Game over-Wrapping it up

In this chapter, we have optimized the AIController.js by changing from the Physics.CapsuleCast to Physics.Raycast to increase the FPS in our game. Then, we learned how to create the ragdoll object and apply it to the character when it is dead by using Instatiate() and Destroy() functions to clone the ragdoll prefab and replace the old object.

Then, we created the destructible Wall and destroyed it when we shot at it by adding some script to the rocket script.

We also created the Rockslide game object, the Rocks script to enable and disable rigidbody of the rocks, and the triggerArea game object to make the object fall down when the player hits the triggerArea by using another script (TriggerArea).

So, let's take a look at the screenshot of what we have done so far:

Game over-Wrapping it up

The rock falls down when the player hits the trigger area as shown in the previous screenshot.

Game over-Wrapping it up

The player shoots and destroys the destructible wall as shown in the previous screenshot.

Game over-Wrapping it up

The AI gets killed as shown in the previous screenshot.

Game over-Wrapping it up

The player gets killed as shown in the previous screenshot.

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