Creating a menu object

Continuing from the first step, we will now create our menu game object in the scene, with which we will be able to open and close the menu window. Pressing the M key will open the menu window, and clicking on the close button in the window will close the menu window. We will also create three tab buttons for the player to be able to see through the different pages, STATUS, INVENTORY, and EQUIPMENT, as we can see in the following screenshot:

Creating a menu object

Prepare for Lift Off

Just make sure that we have our Player.png texture in the Chapter2/images folder. Now, we are ready.

Engage Thrusters

We will begin by creating the menu:

  1. First, we want to create an empty game object in our scene and name it menu; go to GameObject | Create Empty and name it MenuObject. We will use this object for our menu.
  2. Next, we will create the menu JavaScript that will control our entire menu; go to Assets | Create | Javascript, name it Menu, double-click on it to launch MonoDevelop, and we will get our hands dirty with the code.
  3. Open the Menu.js file, and type these variables as follows:
    //For toggle the open and close our menu window
    //We made it static so that we can access this variable from everywhere.
    public static var b_openMenu : boolean;
    public var customSkin : GUISkin; //We assign our MenuSkin here
    public var t_hero : Texture;  //Character background texture
    public var t_statusBox1 : Texture; //First Info box background texture
    public var t_statusBox2 : Texture; //Second Info box background texture
    public var t_skillBox : Texture; //Skill box background texture
    private var in_toolbar : int = 0;
    private var s_toolbars : String[] = ["STATUS", "INVENTORY", "EQUIPMENT"];
    private var r_hero : Rect = new Rect (19, 35, 225, 441);
    private var r_window : Rect = new Rect (10, 10, 640, 480);
    private var r_closeBtn : Rect = new Rect (598, 8, 26, 22);
    private var r_tabButton : Rect = new Rect (35, 15, 480, 40);

    Here, we just created the necessary variables for our Menu window, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Engage Thrusters


    The result of t_statusBox1, t_statusBox2, and t_skillBox will be shown in the Creating the Status tab section.

  4. Next, we will set b_openMenu to false in the Start function, because we don't want our menu to show until the player presses the M key, so type the code as follows:
    public function Start () : void {
      b_openMenu = false; //Set our menu disabled at the first run
  5. Then, we go to the Update function and set it as follows:
    // Update is called once per frame
    public function Update () : void {
      //When the user press M key show the menu window
      if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.M)) {
        if (b_openMenu == false) {
          b_openMenu = true;
  6. Next, we will use the OnGUI function to create our window.


    OnGUI function acts similar to an Update function, but OnGUI gets called more than once, for rendering and handling GUI events, meaning that OnGUI implementation might be called several times per frame (one call per event).

  7. In the OnGUI function, we will assign our customSkin, create a window menu, make it draggable, and check to make sure that the window is always on the screen; so add this code after the Update function:
    //All GUI Class will create in this function
    public function OnGUI () : void { = customSkin; //Assign our MenuSkin to the Gui Skin
      if (b_openMenu) {  //If open menu == true create a menu window
        r_window = GUI.Window (0, r_window, DoMyWindow, ""); //create a new window by the size of rect
        //This whole code is to make sure that our window can't be dragged outside of the screen area
        r_window.x = Mathf.Clamp(r_window.x, 0.0, Screen.width - r_window.width);
        r_window.y = Mathf.Clamp(r_window.y, 0.0, Screen.height - r_window.height);     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    //Our window function operates here
    private function DoMyWindow (windowID : int) : void {
      //We create tab button here.
      in_toolbar = GUI.Toolbar (r_tabButton, in_toolbar, s_toolbars,"Tab Button"));
      switch (in_toolbar) {
        case 0 : //Status
          //Create a status page
        case 1 : //Items
          //Create an item page
        case 2 : //Equip
          //Create an equipment page
      //Draw our background character texture
      GUI.DrawTexture(r_hero, t_hero);
      //We create a close button here
      if (GUI.Button (r_closeBtn, "","Exit Button"))) {
        b_openMenu = false;
      //Make our window dragable in whole area

    Since we want everything inside our menu window, we used the DoMyWindow function to take a GUI.Window as one parameter. Inside the DoMyWindow function, we create all the buttons and textures. Then, we make our window draggable by adding GUI.DragWindow(). With that we are done with coding for this step.

  8. Next, go back to Unity,click on Menu.js, and drag-and-drop it to the Menu game object in the Hierarchy. Next, click on the Menu game object in the Hierarchy, open the Menu (Script), and set the parameters as follows:
    • Custom Skin: Drag-and-drop our MenuSkin (GUISkin) here
    • T_hero: Drag-and-drop blackDude.png from the Chapter2/images folder here
    • T_status Box 1: Drag-and-drop stat1.png from the Chapter2/images folder here
    • T_status Box 2: Drag-and-drop stat2.png from the Chapter2/images folder here
    • T_skill Box: Drag-and-drop skill0.png from the Chapter2/images folder here
  9. Then, we can click on the play button to see the result. In the game scene, we can press the M key to bring up our window and click the x button at the top-right corner to close it.
    Engage Thrusters

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

We just created a menu window, which can be opened by pressing the M key and closed by clicking on the x button at the top-right corner of the menu window. We also have our character texture nicely placed inside our menu window. Next, we made this window draggable and made sure it is always on the screen by using the following code:

r_window.x = Mathf.Clamp(r_window.x, 0.0, Screen.width - r_window.width);
r_window.y = Mathf.Clamp(r_window.y, 0.0, Screen.height - r_window.height);

Basically, we set the minimum limit of our window in the x-position to 0 and the maximum to the screen width subtracted by the window width; we also set the minimum limit of y-position to 0 and the maximum to the screen height subtracted by the window height.

We will see this result when we click play the game and try to drag this window off the screen. Lastly, we created a tab that can be clicked to change to a different page.

Classified Intel

In this step, we were using a GUI class to create our window, box, and button, but we can also use a GUILayout class to create the same thing as we did with GUI class. The only difference between these two classes is that GUI will need to take a Rect object to specify the size and position of the UI. On the other hand; GUILayout doesn't need to take the Rect object. It will automatically adjust the size related to the source it has. Let's say, we want to create a box that contains a text or image, GUILayout will automatically adjust the height and width to nicely fit your text or image. For the position, GUILayout will automatically set the first position to the top-left corner of the screen, which is (0, 0), and it will continue to the right or down depending on the GUILayout object that we already have on the screen. However, the downside is that we will not be able to create a fixed position or size for the GUILayout. So, both classes are very powerful to use. We can use them in different situations.

You can see more details of the GUI class at this URL:

You can also see the details of the GUILayout class at this URL:

The GUI.DragWindow() function allows us to create a draggable window by specifying the drag area on our window. You can visit the following URL to see the details:

We will see this function take one Rect parameter, which is the area that allows the user to drag the window around. However, we didn't assign Rect parameters to our GUI.DragWindow() function, which means that we can drag the whole window area.

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