Web recording

Web Recording can be done by using the Web recorder. For recording web actions, the UiPath extension for that browser should be installed. Otherwise, you will not able to automate tasks or actions using Web recording.

You just have to click on the Setup icon and then click on Setup Extensions. Now, choose your browser and click on it. The UiPath extension will be added to your specified browser.

Web Recording is similar to Desktop Recording. You just have to record the actions and save it.

Create a Blank project. Drag and drop a Flowchart activity. Now, click on the Recording icon and choose Web recording. You can record your actions on the web on your own and then save it. In our case, we have opened a web page using Google Chrome and logged in to http://www.google.com. Then, we started the recording by clicking on the Record button of the web recorder. Next, we typed some text in the search bar of Google and performed the Click activity. Then, we pressed the Esc key to exit the recording and clicked on the Save and Exit button. Now, a recording sequence is generated in our Designer panel. Connect this sequence to the Start node. Hit the Run button to see the result. In the following screenshot, you can see the sequence generated by the Web recorder:

Before running the UiPath workflow, make sure you are on the Google homepage.

We have seen Web recording and it is very easy. There is also another option to extract information from websites.

We can easily extract information from websites using data scraping.

Suppose we want to extract data from Amazon's website. Say we want to search for books on Amazon and extract the search results. Extracting data from websites becomes very easy with data scraping:

  1. Create a blank project and give it a meaningful name. Click Create.
  2. Log on to Amazon's website and search for books. A detailed list of books is listed on your screen:
  3. Drag and drop a Flowchart activity on the Designer panel. Now, click on the Data Scraping icon. A window will pop up.
  4. Click on the Next button.
  5. You have to indicate the first book's entities. Entities can be name, price, author, and so on. It is your choice.
  6. Lets's, indicate the book's name. After that, it will ask for the next book's entities. Indicate the second book entity as well. Click on Next.
  1. This means you have to indicate the second book's entities: however, the entities will be the same. If you choose name as the first book's entity then you have to be specific and choose name as the second book's entity. You should not choose name as the first book's entity and then choose price as the second book's entity.
  2. Again, a window will pop up asking you to configure the columns. You can also extract the URL. If you want to do this, check the Extract URL checkbox.
  1. You can specify the column name as well. Click on the Next button.
  2. As you can see, all the book names are extracted to a window. If you want to extract more columns or more entities, then click on Extract Correlated Data and you have to again indicate another entity of the book to extract more columns, as we have done previously. After that, all the data will be extracted and will be added to this table. Here, we have one column but if you extract more entities, then more columns will be added to this table:
  1. Click on the Finish button. If the results of your query span multiple pages, it will ask you to indicate the page navigation link on the website (Next button of the website that we used to navigate to another/next page). If the results of your query span multiple pages, click on the Yes button and indicate the link, otherwise click on the No button.
  2. We have clicked on the No button. A data scraping sequence is generated in our Flowchart.

It will also generate a data table. You can retrieve the information from the data table.

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