What are assistant bots?

Assistant Robots are front office Robots that require some user interaction. In this case, the automation will run only when a certain event or user action is triggered.

Trigger events are basically commands to tell the Robot to start its automation process.

For example, say I want some text to be typed into the Notepad application. In particular, I want the Robot to type into the Notepad once I click on the text area (clicking being the trigger activity in this case) in the Notepad application.

Let us look at the following steps to understand more:

  1. Drag and drop the Monitor events activity: Here, we drag and drop a Monitor events activity from the Activities panel inside which the trigger events will work; otherwise it will show you an error. The Monitor events activity looks like this:
  1. Drag and drop the trigger activity of choice: In the drop trigger area, drag and drop the trigger activity that you want.

There are a lot of trigger activities shown in the Activities panel. In this case, we will choose the Click Trigger activity:

  1. Create workflow inside the Monitor events activity: Now inside the Event handler space in the Monitor events activity, we have to create the workflow or the set of tasks we are required to do once the trigger activity works. In this case, we are using the Type into activity. Indicate the blank area of a Notepad window:

This was an overview of how assistant bots work.

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