Customizing the Outlook Toolbars

Outlook includes several toolbars that contain dozens of toolbar buttons. Most users, however, use only a handful of toolbar buttons during any given Outlook session. Outlook enables you to add or remove toolbar buttons, and even add or remove an entire toolbar.

Add or Remove a Toolbar

  1. Choose Toolbars from the View menu.

  2. If a toolbar is displaying, it will have a checkmark next to it. Select the toolbar to hide it.

  3. Select a nonchecked toolbar to display it.

    Add or Remove a Toolbar



    To quickly toggle toolbars on and off, right-click the toolbar and choose the toolbar’s name from the submenu.



    To quickly add or remove a button to a toolbar, click the Toolbar Options arrow at the far-right end of the toolbar. Select Add Or Remove Buttons, and then select the name of the toolbar (such as Standard) you want to edit. You can then add or remove buttons from the list that appears. Be careful, though, too many buttons makes it difficult to find commands.



    Be selective when choosing the number of buttons you add to a toolbar. Unless you use a high screen resolution and have a large monitor, Outlook may not be able to display all the toolbar buttons at once.

    Try This!

    Try This!

    To move a toolbar, click and hold the vertical dashed bar at its left end and drag it to a different location.

Create a New Toolbar

  1. Choose Toolbars from the View menu.

  2. Choose Customize.

  3. Click the Toolbars tab.

  4. Click New.

  5. Type a name for the toolbar.

  6. Click OK.

    Create a New Toolbar
    Create a New Toolbar
    Create a New Toolbar



    To close your new toolbar, click its Close button.

    Try This!

    Try This!

    Click the down arrow on the new toolbar. Click Add Or Remove Buttons from the submenu. Choose Customize from the next submenu. Add buttons from the Commands tab. Click Close.

  7. Click the Commands tab.

  8. Drag buttons from the Commands list to the blank toolbar.

  9. Click Close.

  10. If desired, drag the new toolbar and dock it under your other toolbars.

    Try This!
    Try This!



    To rename a toolbar, click the Toolbars tab, select the toolbar you want to rename, and click Rename. Type a new name, and click OK. Outlook only allows you to rename custom toolbars.

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