Time for action—installing MySQL on Ubuntu

This tutorial shows you the procedure to install MySQL on Ubuntu.


In order to follow the tutorial you need to be connected to the Internet.

Please follow these instructions:

  1. Check that you have access to the Internet.
  2. Open the Synaptic package manager from System | Administration | SynapticPackage Manager.
    Time for action—installing MySQL on Ubuntu
  3. Under Quick search type mysql-server and click on the Search button.
  4. Among the results, locate mysql-server-5.1, click in the tiny square to the left,and select Mark for Installation
  5. You'll be prompted for confirmation. Click on Mark.
  6. Now search for a package named mysql-admin.
  7. When found, mark it for installation in the same way.
  8. Click on Apply on the main toolbar.
    Time for action—installing MySQL on Ubuntu
  9. A window shows up asking for confirmation. Click on Mark again. What follows is the download process followed by the installation process.
  10. At a particular moment a window appears asking you for a password for the root user—the administrator of the database. Enter a password of your choice. You'll have to enter it twice.


    Think of a password that you can remember. You'll need it later to connect to the MySQL server.

  11. When the process ends, you will see the changes applied.
    Time for action—installing MySQL on Ubuntu
  12. Under Applications a new menu will also be added to access the GUI tools.
    Time for action—installing MySQL on Ubuntu

What just happened?

You installed MySQL server and GUI Tools in your Ubuntu system.


The previous directions are for standard installations. For custom installations, instructions related to other operating systems, or for troubleshooting, please check the MySQL documentation at— http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/installing.html.

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