Deciding between the use of a command-line argument and a named parameter

Both command-line arguments and named parameters are means for creating more flexible jobs and transformations. The following table summarizes the differences and the reasons for using one or the other. In the first column, the word argument refers to the external value you will use in your job or transformation. That argument could be implemented as a named parameter or as a command-line argument.


Solution using named parameters

Solution using arguments

It is desirable to have a default for the argument

Named parameters are perfect in this case. You provide default values at the time you define them.

Before using the command-line argument, you have to evaluate if it was provided in the command line. If not, you have to set the default value at that moment.

The argument is mandatory

You don't have means to determine if the user provided a value for the named parameter.

To know if the user provided a value for the command-line argument, you just get the command-line argument and compare it to a null value.

You need several arguments but it is probable that not all of them are present.

If you don't have a value for a named parameter, you are not forced to enter it when you run the job or transformation.

Let's suppose that you expect three command line arguments. If you have a value only for the third, you still have to provide empty values for the first and the second.

You need several arguments and it is highly probable that all of them are present.

The command line would be too long. It will help explain clearly the purpose of each parameter, but typing the command line would be tedious.

The command-line is simple as you just list the values one after the other. However, there is a risk—you may unintentionally enter the values unordered, which could lead to unexpected results.

You want to use the argument in several places

You can do it, but you must assure that the value will not be overwritten in the middle of the execution.

You can get the command-line argument by using a Get System Info step as many times as you need.

You need to use the value in a place where a variable is needed

Named parameters are ready to be used as Kettle variables.

First, you need to set a variable with the command-line argument value. Usually this requires creating additional transformations to be run before any other job or transformation.

Depending on your particular situation, you would prefer one or the other solution. Note that you can mix both as you did in the previous tutorials.

Have a go hero—analysing the use of arguments and named parameters

In the Time for action - customizing the hello world file with fixed arguments and parameters section, you created a transformation that used an argument and a named parameter. Based on this preceding table, try to understand why the folder was defined as named parameter and the name of the person you want to say Hello to was defined as command-line argument. Would you have applied the same approach?

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