Providing options when running Pan and Kitchen

When you execute a transformation or a job with Spoon, you have the option to provide additional information such as named parameters. The following Spoon dialog window shows you an example of that:

Providing options when running Pan and Kitchen

When you execute the transformation or job with Pan or Kitchen respectively, you provide this same information as options in the command line. This is how you do it compared side-by-side with Spoon:

Log details


Pan/Kitchen option


You specify the log level in the drop-down list inside the Details box.

When the transformation or job runs, the log is shown in the Execution Results window.

/level:<logging level>

where the logging level can be one of the following:

Error, Nothing, Minimal, Basic, Detailed, Debug, or Rowlevel.


The log appears in the terminal window, but you can use the command language of your operating system to redirect it to a file.

Named parameters


Pan/Kitchen option


You specify the named parameters in the Parameters box. The window shows you the name of the defined named parameters for you to fill the values or keep the default values.

<parameter name>=
<parameter value>




PAN/Kitchen option


You specify the command line arguments in the Arguments grid. Each line corresponds to a different argument.

You type them in order as part of the command.

20091001 20091031




The grid named Variables shows the variables used in the transformation/job as well as their current values. At the time of the execution, you can type different values.

You cannot set variables either in the Pan or in the Kitchen command. The variables have to exist. You may define them in the file. To get the details of this file, refer to the Kettle Variables section in Chapter 2.

Suppose that the sample transformation shown in the screenshot is located at c:pdi_labssales_report.ktr. Then the following Pan command

pan.bat /file:"c:pdi_labssales_report.ktr" 20091001 20091031 /level:Detailed > c:pdi_labslogssales_report.log

executes the transformation with the same options shown in the screenshot. The command redirects the log to the file c:pdi_labslogssales_report.log.

Besides these, both Pan and Kitchen have additional options. For a full list and more examples, visit the Pan and Kitchen documentation at and

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