Time for action—installing PDI

These are the instructions to install Kettle, whatever your operating system.

The only prerequisite to install PDI is to have JRE 5.0 or higher installed. If you don't have it, please download it from http://www.javasoft.com/ and install it before proceeding. Once you have checked the prerequisite, follow these steps:

  1. From http://community.pentaho.com/sourceforge/ follow the link to Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle). Alternatively, go directly to the download page http://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/files/Data Integration.
  2. Choose the newest stable release. At this time, it is 3.2.0.
    Time for action—installing PDI
  3. Download the file that matches your platform. The preceding screenshot should help you.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file in a folder of your choice —C:/Kettle or /home/your_dir/kettle.
  5. If your system is Windows, you're done. Under UNIX-like environments, it's recommended that you make the scripts executable. Assuming that you chose Kettle as the installation folder, execute the following command:
    cd Kettle
    chmod +x *.sh

What just happened?

You have installed the tool in just a few minutes. Now you have all you need to start working.

Pop quiz—PDI prerequisites

Which of the following are mandatory to run PDI? You may choose more than one option.

  1. Kettle
  2. Pentaho BI platform
  3. JRE
  4. A database engine
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