Time for action—enhancing a films file by converting rows to columns

In this tutorial we will work with a file that contains list of all French movies ever made. Each movie is described through several rows. This is how it looks like:

Year: 2005
Director:Michael Haneke
Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Juliette Binoche, Maurice Bénichou
Jean de Florette
Year: 1986
Genre: Historical drama
Director: Claude Berri
Produced by: Pierre Grunstein
Cast: Yves Montand, Gérard Depardieu, Daniel Auteuil
Le Ballon rouge
Year: 1956
Genre: Fantasy | Comedy | Drama

In order to process the information of the file, it would be better if the rows belonging to each movie were merged into a single row. Let's work on that.

  1. Download the file from the Packt website.
  2. Create a transformation and read the file with a Text file input step.
  3. In the Content tab of the Text file input step put : as separator. Also uncheck the Header and the No empty rows options.
  4. In the Fields tab enter two string fields—feature and description. Do a preview of the input file to see if it is well configured. You should see two columns—feature with the texts to the left of the semicolons, and description with the text to the right of the semicolons.
  5. Add a JavaScript step and type the following code that will create the film field:
    var film;
    if (getProcessCount('r') == 1) film = '';
    if (feature == null)
    film = '';
    else if (film == '')
    film = feature;
  6. Click on the Get variables button to add to the dataset the field film.
  7. Add a Filter rows step with the condition description IS NOT NULL.
  8. With the Filter rows step selected, do a preview. This is what you should see:
    Time for action—enhancing a films file by converting rows to columns
  9. After the filter step, add a Row denormalizer step. You can find it under the Transform category.
  10. Double-click the step and fill it like here:
    Time for action—enhancing a films file by converting rows to columns
  11. From the Utility category select an If field value is null step.
  12. Double-click it , check the Select fields option, and fill the Fields grid as follows:
    Time for action—enhancing a films file by converting rows to columns
  13. With this last step selected, do a preview. You will see this:
    Time for action—enhancing a films file by converting rows to columns

What just happened?

You read a file with a selection of films in which each film was described through several rows.

First of all, you created a new field with the name of the film by using a small piece of JavaScript code. If you look at the code, you will note that the empty rows are key for calculating the new field. They are used in order to distinguish between one film and the next and that is the reason for unchecking the No empty rows option. When the code executes for an empty row, it sets the film to an empty value. Then, when it executes for the first line of a film (film == ' ' in the code), it sets the new value for the film field. When the code executes for other lines, it does nothing but the film already has the right value.

After that, you used a Row denormalizer step to translate the description of films from rows to columns, so the final dataset had a single row by film.

Finally, you used a new step to replace some null fields with the text n/a.

Converting row data to column data by using the Row denormalizer step

The Row denormaliser step converts the incoming dataset into a new dataset by moving information from rows to columns according to the values of a key field.

To understand how the Row denormaliser works, let's do a sketch of the desired final dataset:

Converting row data to column data by using the Row denormalizer step

Here, a film is described by using a single row. On the contrary, in your input file the description for every film was spread over several rows.

To tell PDI how to combine a group of rows into a single one, there are three things you have to think about:

  • Among the input fields there must be a key field. Depending on the value of that key field, you decide how the new fields will be filled. In your example, the key field is feature. Depending on the value of the column feature, you will send the value of the field description to some of the new fields: Year, Genres, Director, or Actors.
  • You have to decide which field or fields make up the groups of rows. In our example, that field is film. All rows with the same value for the field film make up a different group.
  • Decide the rules that have to be applied in order to fill the new target fields. All rules follow this pattern:
    • If the value for the key field is equal to A, then put the value of the field B into the new field C.
    • A sample rule could be: If the value for the field feature (our key field) is equal to Directed by, put the value of the field description into the new field Director.

Once you are clear about these three things, all you have to do is fill the Row denormaliser configuration window to tell PDI how to do this task.

  1. Fill the key field textbox with the name of the key field. In the example, the field is feature.
  2. Fill the upper grid with the fields that make up the grouping. In this case, it is film.


    The dataset must be sorted on the grouping fields. If not, you will get unexpected results.

  3. Finally, fill the lower grid. This grid contains the rules for the new fields. Fill it following this example:

    To add this rule ...

    Fill a row like this ...

    If the value for the key field is equal to A, put the value of the field B into the new field C.

    Key value: A

    Value fieldname: B

    Target fieldname: C

This is how you fill the row for the sample rule:

If the value for the field feature (our key field) is equal to 'Directed by,' put the value of the field description into the new field Director.

Key value: Directed by

Value fieldname: description

Target fieldname: Director

For every rule you must fill a different row in the target fields' grid.

Let's see how the Row denormalizer works for the following sample rows:

Converting row data to column data by using the Row denormalizer step

PDI creates an output row for the film Manon Des Sources. Then it processes every row looking for values to fill the new fields.

Let's take the first row. The value for the key field feature is Directed by. PDI searches in the target fields' grid to see if there is an entry where the Key value is Directed by; it finds it.

Converting row data to column data by using the Row denormalizer step

Then it puts the value of the field description as the content for the target field Director. The output row is now like this:

Converting row data to column data by using the Row denormalizer step

Now take the second row. The value for the key field feature is 'Produced by.'

PDI searches in the target fields' grid to see if there is an entry where the Key value is Produced by. It cannot find it, and the information for this row is lost.

The following screenshot shows the rule applied to the third sample row. It also shows how the final output row looks like:

Converting row data to column data by using the Row denormalizer step

Note that the presence of rows is not mandatory for every key value entered in the target fields' grid. If an entry in the grid is not used, the target field is created anyway but it remains empty.

In this sample film, the year was not present. Then the field Year remained empty.

Have a go hero—houses revisited

Take the output file for the Hero exercise to enhance the houses file from the previous chapter. You can also download the sample file from the Packt site. Create a transformation that reads that file and generates the following output:

Have a go hero—houses revisited

Aggregating data with a Row denormalizer step

In the previous section, you learned how to use the Row denormalizer step to combine several rows into one. The Row denormalizer step can also be used to take as input a dataset and generate as output a new dataset with aggregated or consolidated data. Let's see it with an example.

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