08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
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A communicative
designer living in
Portland, Oregon,
he enjoys thought-
provoking design that
is both unexpected and
inspiring. He strives to
do many things in his life.
Currently freelances full-
time and also participates
in outside creative
ventures such as a
collaborative partnership
known as Joug, where
the two explore various
activities such as art
shows, publication
design, and album
package artwork. As
well, he enjoys working
on projects, and thinking
about projects. On
occasion, Gavin Potenza
will author posts in
different graphic design
blogs. Latest projects
include: I am Mercedes—
where he directed
artistically and designed
the look of the core
navigation to a website
that visualizes data from
a survey of Mercedes
drivers in the UK.
Gavin Potenza
112 1,000 Ideas by 100 Graphic Designers
08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
#175 Dtp:160(P) Page:112
110-115_13937.indd 112110-115_13937.indd 112 8/26/09 8:40:32 AM8/26/09 8:40:32 AM
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