08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
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Sabato Urciuoli
A young visual designer
from Turin, he works
on concept and its
adaptation to visual
environment through
several media such
as publishing, web,
photography, and
installations. He believes
both in the interaction
of different media and
the one between the
user and the message.
His work mainly makes
use of typography
and the construction/
deconstruction of
graphic grids. One of
his latest projects is:
Play with Sound. Play
with Paper. Calendar
2009. It’s a 50 x
70 cm poster calendar,
intended to map “good”
and “bad” days. The
idea is to blacken the
corresponding square
of the day you consider
a bad one and leave it
blank if you consider it a
good one. Musicians can
then generate a melody
and/or rhythm based on
monitored moods of the
year, following positive/
negative patterns.
250 Sabato Urciuoli
08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
#175 Dtp:160(P) Page:250
248-250_13937.indd Sec1:250248-250_13937.indd Sec1:250 8/26/09 3:37:52 PM8/26/09 3:37:52 PM
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