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Studio ’t Brandt Weer
Studio ’t Brandt
Weer dates back to
1999. A lifetime. Two
livelong collections of
impressions‚ images‚
thoughts‚ and ideas.
And the everlasting
readiness to re-enter
the school of life. That
is the way they work. By
having the nerve to wait
and the guts to choose.
By brainstorming
freely and producing
purposefully. By traveling
and sitting still. By
teaching others and
always being willing to
learn themselves. It is
their own curiosity and
eagerness to understand
that starts the quest for
new visions. Nothing is
what it seems. This is
Studio ’t Brandt Weer’s
motto‚ the formula of
their chemistry. In close
collaboration with their
clients they search for
the truth of that specific
moment, of that specific
challenge. Together with
their clients they search
for new ways to look at
the world and to show it:
obvious really.
Studio ’t Brandt Weer 269
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Thou shalt play with fi re.
831 Thou shalt have many gods.
832 Thou shalt make thyself many
graven images‚ not necessarily with a
likeness to anything.
833 Thou shalt not take the name
of thy dreams in vain.
834 Remember the inspiration‚
to keep it holy.
835 Thou shalt not kill any ideas.
270 1,000 Ideas by 100 Graphic Designers
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837 Thou shalt commit adultery if
needed for creativity.
838 Thou shalt steal anything but
839 Thou shalt not bear false
witness against thy principles.
840 Thou shalt not covet that
which is thy neighbor’s‚ for thou shalt
not need it anyway.
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841 No designer’s theory should
be considered as a sacred model, but
rather as one option among others,
which can be used and connected to
create specifi c design for a project.
842 Don’t spend your time
arguing about which OS is worst.
Both PCs and Macs can be fi tted out
with the same software.
843 For each new project, I try
to do something I’ve never tried doing
before. Hence, work is rarely boring.
844 Print design is a wide fi eld.
It often goes beyond paper to link up
other design activities like product
design (packaging), space design
(signs), or textile design.
845 Important mottos to have
in mind: “Target the logical, then
the sensitive,” “Form follows the
function” (Louis Sullivan). Then there
is: “Functionalism (please let me
design)” and “Pay your bills.
272 1,000 Ideas by 100 Graphic Designers
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The number of copies printed for
a project is not important. 300
posters or 35,000 brochures
require the same attention.
847 Print design and web design
require very different technical skills.
They are two different areas.
848 It turns out that killing
zombies is a good option when ideas
don’t come. It won’t solve problems,
but it’s defi nitely relaxing.
849 I’m used to picking up fl yers,
leafl ets, and brochures anywhere I
go. Then, I archive them in boxes. It’s
another kind of graphic resource.
850 Meeting > analysis of the
various contexts of the demand
> concept writing > graphic
experiments > project > presentation
of project to client > (modifi cation of
some details) > validation by the client
> fi les completion > manufacturing
follow-up > delivery > invoicing >
check bank account > buy coffee.
Studio Punkat 273
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