08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
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Peter Crnokrak
Born Peter Crnokrak in
Croatia. Emigrated to
Windsor, Canada at the
age of two. Discovered
The Smiths when
he was 15. Danced
to Detroit Techno in
Detroit 1988. Moved
to London, Canada to
study Medicine, then to
Montreal to complete a
doctorate in evolutionary
genetics. Deejayed
right before Jeff Mills
at New Year’s party in
Montreal in 1999. Moved
to Toronto to start a
post-doctoral fellowship
but became crushingly
bored with life. Back to
Montreal 2002 for two
years of art college and
glorious 18-hour work
days. Graduated in 2004
and found the graphic
design practice ± design.
Moved to NYC in 2006 to
work in the apartment
and flirt with sweet girls,
then to London, UK in
fall 2007. Dropped the ±
moniker and founded The
Luxury of Protest.
232 Peter Crnokrak
08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
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