08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
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American designer
Martin Dominguez is
first and foremost a
print designer, with a
particular interest in
editorial design. He
received a degree in
graphic design from
the University of
Delaware. His work is
heavily influenced by
Swiss design. From
his work it’s evident
how there are few
things he likes better
than how big and bold
sans serifs look on a
page. His love expands
to grids, white space,
and Helvetica Neue 85
Heavy. Latest projects
The Original
War on Terror
—a book
detailing the horrors
of the dictatorships
that ruled the cone of
South America during
the 70s and 80s and
the acclaimed
Will Tear Us Apart
poster charting each
instrument on a second
by second basis in the
song by the seminal band
Joy Division.
Martin Dominguez
190 Martin Dominguez
08-13937 Job:08-13923 Title:RP-1000 Ideas x 100 Graghic Designers
#175 Dtp:160(P) Page:190
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