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Robert Loeber
More than a designer,
a picture technician
as he defines himself,
living and working in
London, UK. He enjoys
taking a lot of photos,
making magazines,
designing album covers,
creating websites,
collaborating with
friends, going on road
trips, and riding small
bikes. Currently working
for Urban Outfitters
at their headquarters,
he is basically a lover
of all things creative.
Some of his projects
include: Poolga iPhone
wallpapers, Wood (a
themed poster for the
eponymous Manchester
shop), a poster and
animations for Synth
, and
YCN Live/Whitenoise
Lets Unite Today
an A0 digital print on
silver paper, defined as
an exploration into his
limitations of process
and color. This last work
has been exhibited at
Urbn Motion Graphics
Studio in Berlin,
Germany via the YCN
Live project.
Robert Loeber 245
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751 MOTIVATION. Being highly motivated
plays a major role. It’s having the drive
to always be busy, always have an other
project to be getting on with and taking
every opportunity that’s thrown at you,
no matter how busy you are. I’m a fi rm
believer in giving 110 percent in every
brief you get involved in. You’re only as
good as your last piece of work.
752 C
ONFIDENCE. Be able to talk openly
and confi dently about your work. This can
open up a world of opportunities. Having
faith in your own abilities and knowing
that you can execute any task creatively
and professionally says a lot. Be able to
take criticism or advice and learn from it.
753 P
cynical thing but the way in which you
present yourself to the public is very
important. This could mean simple things,
like sending an e-mail, to the way in which
your website looks and works. Pick your
moment. Show the right people the right
thing at the right time.
754 T
HIRST. Have a general thirst for
creativity. This doesn’t have to necessarily
be design but having an interest in fi nding
out new and different things: a piece of
technology, a fi lm, or a YouTube clip.
755 O
RGANIZATION. Keep everything
organized, whether it be by iCal, a diary,
or just a well organized fi ling system.
Knowing what you’re doing and sticking
to deadlines is very important. I learnt
this lesson the hard way. I now keep
chronologically ordered folders. I’ve
recently started using Stickies. These are
a great way to store notes or ideas for a
later date.
246 1,000 Ideas by 100 Graphic Designers
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757 INTERNET. The www is the
biggest tool for showcasing your work
to as many people as possible. Fancy
or simple, your website should be a
showcase of you. Have fun with it and
make something that’s easy to update
and loads fast (always optimize your
images at 60 percent quality for web).
758 C
OMMUNICATION. Don’t be scared
to e-mail people telling them about your
work. Getting on blogs is a really good
way of raising your profi le and getting
people to remember your name. It’s a
case of reminding people what you’re up
to and keeping them informed.
759 B
ACKUP. It’s perfectly normal
for technology to go wrong over time
so always keep regular, external
backups. All that important stuff that
you couldn’t live without should be on an
external hard-drive or DVDs and stored
somewhere safe.
760 I
NTEGRITY. Your job should be to
create original work. Simple as that.
ERNING. When using digital
typefaces good kerning can
transform and drastically
improve a piece of work. Or,
if done wrong, ruin it. Always
watch out for 0 and 1 when
they sit next to each other.
Robert Loeber 247
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762 Propose yourself for a
project only when you are really
convinced of what you are doing.
Waiting helps experimenting.
763 Search the right media
depending on what you have to
764 Dedicate a lot of time to pre-
print and interest yourself in inks and
765 Many times something that
seems really far from design will take
to unpredictable solutions. Don’t deny
248 1,000 Ideas by 100 Graphic Designers
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766 Do and accept works only if
you think you can express yourself in
the best way.
767 Always sign your works.
768 Lead a regular life. We’re not
rock stars.
769 Use technology without
being used by it.
770 Don’t worry about where
experimentation can take you, but
feel free.
Sabato Urciuoli 249
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