
ABS. See Asset-backed securities

Absolute return, 1059

Acceptance financing, 340

Accreting swaps, 1471

Accrued interest, 1753, 1757

bond pricing and, 100–101

definition of, 1743

Accrued interest factor, 1743

Active ETFs, 447

Additional-bonds test, 999–1000, 1020

Adjustable rate, 353

Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)

fixed vs. floating coupons for, 663

hybrid, 485, 511–512, 649

negative amortization with, 656–657

payment calculations for, 492

teaser rates of, 511

Adjustable-rate preferred stock (ARPS), 477

Adjusted net assets, 1743

Adjusted simple margin, 357

Adjusted total margin, 357

Adjusted tracking, 1145–1147

AFC. See Available funds cap

After-acquired clause, 265

Agency CMOs

cash flow analysis of, 560

hedging, 560

investor goals and constraints with, 559–560

nonagency CMOs vs., 558–559

OAS analysis for, 560

Agency MBS

definition of, 509

prepayment risk with, 1092–1093

underweight in, 1071–1072

Agency pool programs, 515–518

Agency RMBS, 16–17

Agency securities

credit quality of, 208–211

government backing misconceptions with, 208

investors in, 210–211

issuance of, 215–216

issuing agencies for, 217–218

longer-dated, 211–212

market overview for, 208–211

MTNs offered by, 212

in primary market, 214–215

risk of, 207

in secondary market, 215

short-dated, 211

types of, 211–214

Aggregate demand sectors, 70–72

Airport revenue bonds, 230, 1007–1008

Albota, George L., 1525

ALM. See Asset-liability management

Alpha strategies, 1406–1408

Alternative A loans (Alt-A), 488, 1597–1598

Alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI), 247–248

Altman, Edward, 284–285, 993

Amend-and-extend amendments, 290–291

Amortizing swaps, 1471

AMTI. See Alternative minimum taxable income

Analytics, 1672, 1744

Annualizing procedure, for yield-to-maturity, 107–108

Antczak, Stephen J., 289, 1593

API. See Application program interface

Application program interface (API), 59–61

Appraisal Reduction Amount (ARA), 698, 700

APs. See Authorized participants

ARA. See Appraisal Reduction Amount

Arbitrage interpretation, of forward rates, 792–793

Arbitrage model, for futures contracts, 1398–1401

Arbitrage-free total return, 115

Arbitrageurs, convertible, 310–311


default characteristics of, 413, 425–427

distressed debt exchange failures of, 423

ARMs. See Adjustable-rate mortgages

ARPS. See Adjustable-rate preferred stock

Arrangers, 290

Asset allocation

for buy-and-hold investors, 1179–1180

with Fully Analytical Model, 1702–1703

futures contracts and, 1405

outperformance, 1655, 1659

in performance attribution, 1640–1642

single-level, 1685

with Total Return Model, 1684–1688

two-level, 1685–1688

U.S. dollar breakdown for, 1660

Asset sale covenant, 974, 1223

Asset swaps, convertible securities and, 943–944

Asset-backed credit strategy, 1343–1344

Asset-backed securities (ABS), 17–18, 646, 1183. See also Auto sector ABS; Credit card ABS

CDO and CDS with, 649–650

credit analysis of, 729–730

credit enhancement for, 728–729

equipment loans and leases as, 732–733

market history of, 727

PAUG structure of, 649

student loans as, 733–736

Asset-liability management (ALM), 377–378

Asset-liability mismatches, in covered bonds, 466–468

Assets, core-plus, 1153

Asset-swapped indexes, 1155–1156

Asvanunt, Attakrtit, 1635

At-the-money option, 1505–1506, 1530–1532

Auction systems, 59

CDS process for, 1560–1562

Auction-rate preferred stock, 477–478

Authorized participants (APs), 449

Auto loans, 730–732

Auto sector ABS

issuers in, 730

structure of, 730–732

Available funds cap (AFC), 667–668

Average life

of MBS, 882

for OAS, 891

volatility, 627–628

B of A-ML. See Bank of America-Merrill Lynch

BABS. See Build America Bond program

Backshall, Tim, 1025

Backward induction, 533

Backwardation, 1480

Balanced convertibles, 923

Balloon date, 484

Balloon loan, 510

Bank of America-Merrill Lynch (B of A-ML)

global government bond index, 37, 40, 41–42

high-yield bond index, 37, 39

IGOV index, 411, 414

investment-grade bond index, 37

Bankers acceptances

creation of, 341–342

credit risk of, 342

definition of, 340

rates for, 342

Bank-qualified issues, 248

Banks, as CMO investors, 564

BANs. See Bond anticipation notes

Barclays Capital (BC)

Aggregate Bond Index, 1124, 1128–1129, 1130–1131, 1135–1136, 1145–1148, 1152, 1176–1177

Corporate Index, 1159, 1161, 1171–1172, 1292–1293, 1295, 1299, 1306–1308

Credit Index, 1154, 1173

currency exposure main formula for, 1755–1757

Global Aggregate Index, 1173–1174, 1251, 1259

Global G4 Treasury Index, 1719

Global Government Bond Index, 37, 40

Global Risk Model, 1053, 1077–1078

High-Yield Bond Index, 37, 39, 41, 1295

HPA, 1636, 1645–1647, 1672, 1695

Investment-Grade Bond Index, 37

Investment-Grade Credit Index, 1310

MBS Index, 1171

Mortgage Index, 1137, 1173

1–5 Year Corporate Index vs. 1–5 Year Treasury Index, 1143

ORBS, 1179

performance attribution system of, 1168

POINT, 1636, 1647–1648

swap index, 1160–1161

terms, 1757–1759

U.S. Aggregate index of, 1059–1060, 1070

Barclay’s Capital Global Inflation-Linked Bond Index, 382

Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index, 253–254

Barra Equity Risk models, 1035

Base currency of portfolio, 1744

Base interest rate, 169


CDS, 1573

CDX, 1591

of derivative contracts, 1729

hedging and, 1420–1421

price, 253

Basis point, price value of, 164–165, 1410

Basis risk, 30, 362

hedging and, 1421

Basis swaps, 1471–1472

valuation of, 1495–1497

Basis trades

cash-CDS, 1349

secondary trade rationales and, 1198

BC. See Barclays Capital

BDT. See Black-Derman-Toy binomial lattice model; Black-Derman-Toy interest rate model

Beacon D.C. & Seattle Pool loan, 691

Bear spread, 1518

Bear Stearns, 1610–1612

counterparty risk of, 1630–1631

Bearer bonds, 5

Belbase, Eknath, 509

Ben Dor, Arik, 1291

Benchmark Bill program, 211

Benchmark index duration, 149

Benchmark interest rate, 169

Benchmark Notes program, 211, 214

Benchmark rate, 477

Benchmark replication

with derivatives, 1172–1174

quantitative approaches to, 1168–1169

stratified sampling for, 1169–1171

tracking-error minimization for, 1171–1172


aggregate analytics for, 1072–1073

for asset-swapped indexes, 1155–1156

Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index for, 1152

“buying the,” 1152, 1168

cash flow and, 1153–1155

delta hedging, 1154–1155

diversification issues in, 1157–1162

downgrade-tolerant, 1161–1162

duration and, 1153–1155

importance of, 1151

international bond portfolio selection of, 1250–1251

investing outside, 1153

issuer-capped, 1158–1160

liability-based, 1154

LIBOR as, 1155

performance attribution and, 1167–1168

portfolio analysis and, 1162–1168

portfolio management and, 1072–1077

portfolio risk vs., 1152

selection and customization of, 1152–1157

swap-based, 1160–1161

tracking, 1306

Treasury portfolios and, 1157

Beneficial owner, 1363

Berliner, William S., 483

Bernanke, Ben, 375

Best-efforts deal, 291

Bhansali, Vineer, 1331

Bhattacharya, Anand K., 483

Bhattacharya, Mihir, 899

Bid-ask spreads, for Treasury securities, 202–203

Bifurcation principle, 908

Binomial interest-rate tree, 858–862, 867

Binomial lattice models, 857

BDT, 843–848

Black-Karasinski, 849–850

of forward rates, 831

Ho-Lee, 832–837

KWF, 838–841

Black, Fischer, 829–831, 928, 932, 1026, 1035, 1529

Black-box approach, 1256–1257

Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) binomial lattice model

with inverted term structure, 846–848

with normal term structure, 843–845

Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) interest rate model, 830–831

Black-Derman-Toy no arbitrage binomial model, 156

Black-Karasinski binomial lattice model, 849–850

Black-Karasinski interest rate model, 829–830

Black’s pricing formula, 1529–1530

Blanket mortgage, 265

Bloomberg Financial Markets, 229

Bond anticipation notes (BANs), 236

The Bond Buyer, 252

Bond floor, 307

Bond indentures, 971

types of, 972–974

Bond index portfolios

adjusted tracking for, 1145–1147

call exposure of, 1136–1137

competitive performance with, 1128

consistent relative performance of, 1128–1129

for diversification, 1127–1128

duration contribution of quality and, 1136

duration contribution of sector and, 1135–1136

enhancing, 1138, 1140–1145

information ratios for, 1148

issuer exposure and, 1138–1139

KRDs and, 1134–1135

low cost of, 1128

market performance predictability with, 1129

modified duration and, 1134

percentage weight in sector and quality of, 1135

performance attribution and, 1148

rationale for, 1127–1130

risk factors of, 1133–1138

track record of, 1130

Bond indexes

alternative, 36

benchmarks for, 34

correlation relationships for, 45–49

creating and maintaining, 35, 39

geometric mean return vs. standard deviation for global, 44

geometric mean return vs. standard deviation for U.S., 43

global government, 40

judging and comparing, 36

risk/return characteristics of, 40–45

stock market indexes vs., 35

U.S. high-yield, 38–40

U.S. investment-grade, 36–38

uses of, 33–34

Bond Market Association

Master Repurchase Agreement, 1358

PSA model of, 504–505

Bond markets. See also International bond markets; Municipal bond market

growth of, 51–52

issuer types in, 170

Bond portfolio

convexity of, 1107

currency exposure formula for, 1742–1743, 1748–1751

dollar duration and, 1104

duration hedging for, 1105–1106

hedging techniques for, 1114–1118

terms for, 1743–1747

value calculation for, 1104–1105

yield measure for, 110–111

Bond portfolio management

active management and, 1125

core/satellite approach to, 1126–1127

enhanced indexing and, 1124–1125

income risk and, 1131–1133

index selection for, 1130–1133

liability framework risk and, 1133

market-value risk and, 1131

pure bond indexing, 1123–1124

risk and, 22, 1124, 1126

traditional, 1123–1125

Bond pricing, 405–406

accrued interest and, 100–101

cash flow for, 89–90

changes and reasons for, 96–97

compounding and, 99–100

between coupon periods, 98–102

coupon rate and required yield relationship with, 95–96

credit influencing, 405–406

day count and, 98–99

determining, 91–93

required yield determined for, 90–91, 94–95

time impacting, 96–97

volatility of, 35

yield curve for, 173–175

of zero-coupon bonds, 97–98

Bond risk premium (BRP)

definition of, 751–752, 770

historical behavior of, 752

realized, 763

theoretical vs. empirical, 753

Bond swaps, 116–119

Bond trades, 1744

Bond-equivalent yield, 108, 1269–1270

Bonds. See also Corporate bonds; Eurobonds; Eurodollar bonds; General obligation bonds; High-yield bonds; Municipal bonds; Primary market; Revenue bonds; Secondary market

CDS and no-arbitrage strategy with, 1572

CDS relationship with, 1571–1576

coupons and, 5–9

with embedded options, calculating OAS, 873, 875–876

emerging market, 396–397

face value, 5

fixed income ETFs compared to, 441–442

historical average returns of, 752

issue size of, 1221

issuers of, 3–4

long-run expected returns of, 752

loss allocation structure of, 1325–1326

maturity of, 4–5, 1221

options and, 171

par value, 5

price volatility characteristics of, 128–130, 132–135

price volatility of, with embedded options, 132–135

principal of, 5–9

private, 976

ranking/seniority of, 1221

secured high-yield, 976

time path of, 96

valuation of, with embedded options, 866–871

WAM, 521

yield level impact on, 136

Book accounting based indexes, 1156–1157

BOOKINs, 1156–1157

Books, 1744

Bootstrapping process

CDS calibration by, 1581–1582

theoretical spot-rate curve, 175–179

Borrow costs, 930

Borrow fee, 1363

Bottom-up approach

credit analysis in, 1215–1220

in global credit portfolio management, 1188

for high-yield portfolio management, 1214–1235

steps of, 1215

Brady, Nicholas, 396, 417

Brady bonds, 396, 409. See also Distressed debt exchanges

collateralized, 437–438

debt relief options with, 417–418

embedded options and, 436

face value of, 438

IEBs and, 424

in Latin America, 418

noncollateralized, 438

PDI and, 424

retirements and exchanges of, 420–421

types of, 419–420, 437–438

valuation of, 420

Brady Plan, 417–419

Brash, Donald T., 380

Brauer, Jane Sachar, 409

Brazil, Dart vs., 431


analysis, 1270–1273

forward rate interpretation, 792–793

inflation rate, 370–371

spread movement, 1272–1273

Brennan, Michael J., 932

Bridge financing, LBO and, 282

Brinson model, 1640

Broken loan rate, 1362


for electronic trading, 56–57, 63

types of, 66–67

BRP. See Bond risk premium

Brynjolfsson, John B., 365

Buetow, Gerald W., Jr., 123, 825, 1479

Build America Bond program (BABS), 225

Bull spread, 1517

Bulldog market, 399

Bullet bonds, 10

Bullet maturity, 1193

Bullet structures, 1205–1206

Burnout, 528–529

Business risk, in credit analysis, 1217–1218

Busted convertibles, 924

Butterfly shift, 808

Buy hedge, 1414

Buy limit order, 1380

Buy stop order, 1380

Buy-and-hold investors, asset allocation for, 1179–1180

Buy-and-hold strategy, 1200

Buyback program, 198–199

Buying collateral, 347, 350

Buy-writes, 1521

Cabana, Mark, 207

CACs. See Collective Action Clauses

Call, 1501

Call date, 108

Call exposure

of bond index portfolios and mortgages, 1136–1137

enhancements, 1145

Call feature. See Call provision

Call money rate, 1362

Call options, 1371

clean-up, 462, 664, 700

for convertible bonds, 301

profit/loss graph for, 1502

valuation of, 870

Call premium, 10

Call price, 10, 271

Call privilege, 5

Call protection, 10

for convertible bond, 13–14

Call provision

advantages of, 270–271

benefit of, 9

fixed-price, 271

make-whole, 10–11, 271–273

risk of, 9–10, 24

Callable bonds

convexity of, 158–159

duration of, 158–159

price volatility of, 132–134

price/yield relationship of, 158

valuation of, 866–870

Callable notes

multiple step-up, 871, 873

step-up, 871, 873–874

step-up non-, 871, 872

Callable securities

characteristics of, 212–213

GSEs and, 212

Callable structures, 1206

Caps, 7, 1386

definition of, 1525

hybrid ARMs structures of, 511

on LIBOR, 1390–1392

payoff rate for, 1532

straddle pricing, 1535–1536

swaptions vs., 1535, 1537–1538

trading insights for, 1530–1535

uses for, 1528

volatility and, 1532–1533

Cap rate. See Capitalization rate

Cap risk, 136, 360, 362

Capital structure arbitrage, 918

flexibility of, 1345

portfolio management with, 1344–1346

Capitalization rate (cap rate), 683

Caplets, 1528–1530

calibration of, 1534

Captive finance companies, 961

Case-Shiller HPI, 670–673

Cash and carry trade, 1397

Cash balance, 1748–1749, 1752

Cash bonds, hedging with options on, 1441–1442

Cash collateral account (CCA), 719–720

Cash equitization, 444

Cash flow

benchmarks and, 1153–1155

bond pricing and, 89–90

defined, 961

high-yield bonds and, 987–988

lattice model, 1482, 1484

modified, 435–436

on premium leg, 1587

reinvestment, 1198

uncertainty of, 90

waterfalls, 740–741

Cash rate, 1264

Cash reserve account, 729

Cash settle option, 900

Cash-CDS basis trades, 1349

Cash-out refinance, 525

CCA. See Cash collateral account

CCP. See Central counterparty

CDOs. See Collateralized debt obligations

CDR. See Conditional default rate

CDS. See Credit default swaps

CDs. See Certificates of deposits

CDX. See Credit default swap index

CDX.IG index, 1607–1609

Central bank

interest rates and, 76

liquidity and, 70, 74

macro-economy and, 74–77

Central counterparty (CCP), 1543, 1566

Certificates of deposits (CDs), 75

credit risk of, 344

definition of, 343

issuers of, 344

negotiable, 343

yields on, 344–345

Change of Control covenant, 974, 1223

Charter school bonds, 230–231, 1008

Chartists, 1257

Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), 1373, 1376

Ching, Anne, 509

Chooser cap/floor, 1527

Choudhry, Moorad, 1445

CIA. See Collateral invested amount

CIR model. See Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model

Citigroup indexes

Broad Investment Grade Index, 1130

currency exposures formula for, 1751–1753

Global Broad Investment Grade Indexes, 1259

terms for, 1753–1755

WGBI, 1251–1253, 1260

Clean price, 101–102

Clean up call option, 462

for CMBS, 700

for nonagency RMBS, 664

Clearing corporation, 1382

CLN. See Credit-linked note

CLOs. See Collateralized loan obligations

CLTV. See Combined LTV

CMBS. See Commercial mortgage-backed securities

CME. See Chicago Mercantile Exchange

CMOs. See Collateralized mortgage obligations

CMP. See Curve-matching portfolio

CMT. See Constant Maturity Treasury

CoCo. See Contingent conversion

COFI. See Eleventh District Cost of Funds Index

Cohen, Adam B., 259, 949

Collar strategy, for hedging, 1431

Collars, 355

definition of, 1526–1527

effective, 575–576

PACs and drift of, 577

PACs and impact of, 355–357

PACs and interaction of collateral coupons with, 574–577

support bonds raising, 617

Collateral certificate, 710

Collateral coupon

PACs and impact of, 355–357

PACs and interaction of collars with, 574–577

Collateral invested amount (CIA), 720

Collateral trust bonds, 265–266

Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 646

ABS and, 649–650

definition of, 737

squared, 1598

synthetic, 335–336

Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)

assets and, 737–738

capital structure and, 738

coverage tests for, 740–741

creation purpose of, 739

credit structures of, 739–741

definition of, 737

tranche structure for, 738

Collateralized loans. See also Repurchase agreements

dollar rolls, 1359–1362

margin buying, 1362–1363

securities lending, 1363–1365

types of, 1355

Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), 519. See also Tranches

agency vs. nonagency, 558–559

banks as investors for, 564

deal clean-up calls for, 539

exotic, 558

floating-rate securities and, 551–553

hedge funds as investors for, 565–566

insurance companies as investors for, 564–565

inverse floaters and, 553–555

investor types for, 564–566

liquidity of, 538

market of, 537–538

money managers as investors for, 565

multiple accrual classes of, 606

new issue, 539

objectives and intent of, 613

PAC, 543–546

PACquential bonds and, 548–549

with PACs and Z bonds, 600–603

PAC/support structure for, 894–897

pension funds as investors for, 565

plain-vanilla sequential-pay structure for, 891–894

PO-collateralized, 633

rationale for, 538–539

retail investors in, 566

in secondary market, 539

sequential, 540–543, 594

strip securities, 633

TAC, 547–548, 602–603

VADM bonds and, 550–551

valuation modeling for, 881, 883–885

yield curve structure for, 570–572

Z bonds and, 549–550, 597–600

Collective Action Clauses (CACs), 432

College and university revenue bonds, 231

Collins, Bruce M., 1395

Combined LTV (CLTV), 495, 1327

Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), 17, 1183

Beacon D.C. & Seattle Pool loan, 691

certificate subordination levels and ratings for, 693–694

clean-up call provisions for, 700

collateral pool in, 683–691

conduit transactions with, 681–682

controlling class representative in, 695

credit spread history of, 702

definition of, 681

deterministic modeling for, 703–704e

diversification of loan pool for, 686, 691

fusion transactions with, 682–683

haircuts with, 698, 700

holdbacks with, 685

IO, 698

lending standards for, 684

loan structures and features of, 685–686

LTV for, 684

market development of, 700–701

master servicer in, 694–695

nonagency RMBS compared to, 682

overweight in, 1072

pass-through rates for, 697

payment advancing for, 698, 700

prepayments and, 686

priority of payments for, 697–698

probabilistic modeling for, 701

special servicer in, 695

subordination of, 693–694, 696–697

transaction structure in, 692, 694–695

trustees in, 694

valuation techniques for, 683–684

WBCMT 2007-C32, 686–691, 699

0/0 framework for, 701

Commercial paper, 236–237

asset-backed, 339

credit-supported, 339

definition of, 337

directly-placed vs. dealer-placed, 339

issuers of, 338–339

maturity of, 338

in secondary market, 339

yields on, 340

Commercial real estate (CRE), 682

Commodity-linked notes, 325

Companion bonds. See Support bonds


bond pricing and, 99–100

frequency, 1744, 1757

performance attribution and, 1638–1639

portfolio outperformance and, 1735–1737

Compression cycle, for CDS, 1556–1557

Conditional default rate (CDR), 507, 677–678

Conditional premium cap/floor, 1527

Conditional prepayment rate (CPR), 503–504, 524, 677–678

Conduit transactions, 681–682

Conduits, 17

Conseco Inc., 1552

Consent solicitation, 971

Conservatorship, 515

Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT), 485

index, 511

yield of, 272

Constant-maturity swaps, 1471

Consumer price index (CPI), 6, 1704

TIPS and, 368

Contingent conversion (CoCo), 302–303, 899–900

Contingent payment (CoPa), 302–303

Contingent voting, 475

Continuing care retirement community revenue bonds, 231, 1008

Contraction risk, 24

Controlled accumulation, 713–714

Controlled amortization, 713–714

Conventional loans, 486

Conventional yield, 1269–1270

Convergence, 1416

Conversion option, 939–940

Conversion premium, 922

Conversion price, 13, 301

Conversion ratio, 13, 301

convertible securities and, 901

Conversion trade, 1508

Conversion value, 901

Convertible arbitrageurs, 310–311

Convertible bond valuation

credit risk in, 305–306

discounting methods for, 305

risk factors for, 306–308

stock price evolution in, 304

Convertible bonds. See also Convertible securities

accessibility of, 313

call options for, 301

call protection for, 13–14

CoCo for, 302–303

CoPa for, 302–303

coupon payments of, 300

debt claim in, 299–300

definition of, 13, 299

dividend protection for, 302

equity conversion and, 301, 311–312

mandatory, 300

motivations behind issuance of, 312

net share settlement with, 302

opportunistic issuance of, 314

performance of, 309

primary investors in, 309–312

put options for, 301

return profile for, 303

takeover protection for, 302

tax and accounting benefits of, 313

Convertible debt products

contingent, 908–909

definition of, 904

negative yield, 909

original issue discount, 907

premium redemption, 907

step-up, 907

traditional, 905

zero coupon, 905–906

Convertible market

distressed, 944

evolution in, 903

growth of, 944

segments of, 903–904

Convertible new issues

market growth for, 918–919

registered vs. 144A, 920

Convertible preferred products, 904

capped common, 911–912

dated, 911

definition of, 909–910

hybrid, 904, 913–915

modified capped common, 912

modified mandatorily, 913

perpetual maturity, 910–911

step-up, 911

traditional mandatorily, 912–913

Convertible securities. See also Convertible bonds

asset swaps and, 943–944

attributes of, 917

CDS and, 902, 944

characteristics of, 920

conversion option and, 939–940

conversion ratio of, 901

conversion value of, 901

descriptors of, 928–930

duration risk of, 902

embedded options and, 939–942

essential features of, 899–901

hedge funds and, 943

investing, 915–918

new issues in, 918–920

payback period as key measure for, 925–926

put options and, 940–941

redemption option and, 941–942

stages of, 923–925

structured public, 915

valuation approaches for, 925–935

value diagram for, 920–923

variables of, 931–932

Convertible valuation models

analytic, 932–934

applying, 937–939

credit spread and, 936

descriptors and variables of, 928–935

implied default probability and, 938–939

implied volatility and, 939

interest rate and, 935–936

partial derivatives and, 937–938

stochastic variables in, 928

stock volatility and, 936–937

Convexity, 149, 764. See also Durationconvexity hedging; Effective convexity

of bond portfolio, 1107

of callable bonds, 158–159

definition of, 150

as expected return measure component, 779

flat, 1511

illustrations of, 154–163

long, 1511–1512

modified, 154

negative, 533, 535, 890

OAS and, 890–891

option-adjusted, 677

of option-free bond, 155–157

options and, 1514

percentage price change and, 150–151

positive, 890, 922–923

profit/loss graph for, 1512

of putable bonds, 159–161

short, 1513

Convexity bias

definition of, 753–754, 764

illustration of, 754

pure expectations theory and, 755

term structure influenced by, 770–772

yield-curve impact of, 754–755

Convexity measure

formula for, 150

scaling, 152–153

Cooper, Ian, 817

CoPa. See Contingent payment

Core/satellite approach, 1126–1127

Corporate asset class. See Credit asset class

Corporate bonds, 5

asset sale redemption for, 275–276

capital structure of, 84–86

covered bonds compared to, 463

credit ratings for, 277–278

credit risk for, 276–279

default rates of, 283–285

definition of, 259

event risk and, 279–281

exposure of, 459

Fitch ratings of, 278

fixed-rate, 262

high-yield, 986–992

interest payment characteristics of, 262–264

by issuer type, 261

macro-economy and, 69

Moody’s Investor’s Service ratings of, 278

municipal bonds compared to, 119–120

recovery rates of, 285

retirement mechanisms for, 270–276

return on equity analysis for, 966

security for, 264–270

sinking-fund provision for, 273–275

stagflation and, 83–84

Standard & Poor’s ratings of, 278

tender offers and, 276

traditional ratio analysis for, 958–966

Treasury securities vs., 1143

yield curve for, 77–79

Corporate debt maturity, 261

Corporate substitution, 1143

Corporate trustees, 260–261

Correlation trading, 1350

Corridors, 1527

Cost of carry, 1400

Counterparties, 1445

central, 1543, 1566

Counterparty risk, 1447

for Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, 1630–1631

CDS and reduction of, 1543

funded hedges and cost of, 1630–1631

Country risk, 930

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust (CWALT), 647

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates (CWL), 647

Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust (CWHL), 647

Coupon leverage, 355

Coupon makewhole, 905

Coupon payments, 1750–1751

Coupon rate, 5

bond pricing relationship with required yield and, 95–96

of floating rate securities, 7

interest-rate risk and impact of, 131

price volatility and, 8

reinvestment risk and, 105

yield-to-maturity relationship with current yield formula and, 107

Coupon securities, 194

Coupon stripping, 180–181

process of, 204

Coupons, 262

bond pricing between periods of, 98–102

bonds and, 5–9

convertible bonds and, 300

floating-rate securities formula for, 354

municipal bond features with, 227–228

size of, 8

types, 1222

Covariance matrix, 1165

Covenant analysis, 1222–1223

Covenant default, 971

Covenant relief amendments, 290–291

Covenant risk, 1220

Cover assets, 466

Coverage tests, 740–741

Covered bonds, 18

accounting for, 469, 472

asset-liability mismatches in, 466–468

corporate bonds compared to, 463

definition of, 459

history of, 460

legislative, 463–464

liquidity risk in, 467

rating agencies for, 469

securitization compared to, 469–471

structure of, 461–466

structured, 464–466

understanding, 460–461

Covered calls, 1520

Covered call-writing strategy

with futures options, 1437–1440

for hedging, 1429–1430

Covered interest arbitrage, 1264

Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model (CIR model), 1112

CPI. See Consumer price index

CPI floaters, 382

CPR. See Conditional prepayment rate

Crawford, Alexander, 537

CRE. See Commercial real estate

Creation cost, of fixed income ETFs, 453–454


ABS analysis with, 729–730

agency securities quality of, 208–211

bond pricing influenced by, 405–406

burnout, 658–659

CLO structures of, 739–741

derivatives, 1735

emerging markets quality of, 411

enhancements, 466

interest rates determined by supply and demand for, 70

mortgages and guarantees of, 486–487

nonagency RMBS and external enhancements with, 669–670

Orange County, California problems with, 239–240

premium, 1033–1034, 1042–1043

price movements and quality of, 951–952

reporting firms for, 494

Washington Public Power Supply System problems with, 239–240

Credit analysis. See also Industry financial analysis

approaches to, 949–952

for bottom-up approach, 1215–1220

business risk of, 1217–1218

calibration of, 1034–1035, 1039, 1043

comparable, 1228–1230

covenant analysis in, 1222–1223

covenant risk in, 1220

examples of, 1217

of financial indentures, 975, 981–986

financial risk in, 1218

global credit portfolio management and, 1209–1210

of high-yield bonds, 986–992

incomplete-information approach to, 1026, 1040–1044

industry financial analysis for, 958–968

industry variables for, 952–958

information sources for, 1021–1022

key components of, 1216

liquidity risk in, 1225–1227

management/ownership risk in, 1218–1220

municipal bond market and, 996

of municipal bonds, 1004

reduced-form approach to, 1026, 1036–1039

relative value for, 1186–1190, 1227–1235

risk assessment checklist for, 1223–1225

security structure and terms for, 1220–1222

structural approach for, 1026–1036

of utility indentures, 975–981

Credit asset class, 1183

excess returns and, 1184

optimization of, 1185

Credit barbell strategy, 1208

Credit card ABS

amortization period for, 713–715

controlled accumulation in, 713–714

controlled amortization in, 713–714

credit enhancement in, 718–721

early amortization in, 715

floating rate, 723

life cycle of, 712–715

market growth of, 707

ratings agency criteria for, 721–723

revolving period for, 712–713

Credit card master trust

analysis of, 721–723

basic structure of, 708–709

CCA and, 719–720

CIA and, 720

discounting in, 717

excess spread in, 719, 721

finance charge collections and allocations for, 717

group concept for, 716

interchange fee in, 718

IT structure and, 709–711

nonsocialized, 717

principal collections for, 716

recoveries in, 718

socialized, 717

stress test for, 724–725

subordination in, 720–721

Credit card securitization

charge-offs and, 721–722

delinquency rate in, 722

history of, 707–708

investor interest vs. seller interest in, 711–712

IT structure and, 709–711

master trust structure and, 708–709

monthly payment rate for, 723

portfolio yield in, 721–722

purchase rate for, 723

Credit cards

affinity and co-branded programs and, 724–725

general purpose, 724

market growth of, 707–708

private label, 725

teaser rates and, 724

Credit crisis of 2007–2009, 397, 1298–1302

Credit curing, 525

Credit default risk, 277

Credit default swap index (CDX), 1226, 1350

basis, 1591

constituents, 1563–1564

growth of, 1562

inclusion criteria for, 1563

mechanics of, 1564

premium leg of, 1564–1565

protection leg of, 1565

risk management for, 1591

valuation of, 1589–1591

Credit default swaps (CDS), 300, 310–311, 1173–1174

ABS and, 649–650

advantages of, 1544

approximation of, 1588–1589

auction process for, 1560–1562

basis, 1573

basis trades, cash-, 1348–1349

bond relationship with, 1571–1576

bonds no-arbitrage strategy with, 1572

bootstrapping process calibrating, 1581–1582

CLN combined with, 331–332

CLN compared to, 330

compression cycle for, 1556–1557

contracts, new and existing, 1582–1583

convertible securities and, 902, 944

counterparty risk reduction for, 1543

credit events in market of, 1551

definition of, 1546

in emerging markets, 433–434

growth in market of, 1201, 1541–1542

importance of, 1565–1566

IR DV01 of, 1585, 1587

issuer-specific risk protection with, 1177

market pricing of, 1575–1576

mechanics of, 1547–1550

par spread and, 1579

premium leg of, 1548–1549, 1576–1578

pricing models needed for, 1570–1571, 1576–1582

protection leg of, 1549–1550, 1578

relative value analysis with trends in, 1234–1235

restructuring triggering, 1559–1560

risk management for, 1583–1589

settlement timeline for, 1554–1556

sovereign market for, 1338–1339

Spread DV01 of, 1584–1587

survival curve interpolation for, 1579–1581

TD in, 1557–1558

upfront payment in, 1550, 1578–1579

uses of, 1545–1546

valuation example for, 1585–1588

valuation of, 1569–1571

valuation of existing, 1574–1575

Credit derivatives

importance of, 1565–1566

market evolution of, 1541–1544

market participants for, 1544–1545

uses of, 1545–1546

Credit events. See also Event risk

in CDS market, 1551

definition of, 1550–1551

deliverables for, 1557–1559

determination of, 1554–1556

hard, 1551

by region, 1553

restructuring, 1551–1553

settlement of, 1554

soft, 1551

Credit rating

for corporate bonds, 277–278

downgrade and upgrade of, 25

migration table for, 277

municipal bonds and commercial, 238–244

municipal bonds and differences in, 249–250

transition table for, 277, 279

Credit risk, 170

of bankers acceptances, 342

calibrating factors of, 1314–1316

of CDs, 344

in convertible bond valuation, 305–306

corporate bonds and, 276–279

definition of, 1025

DTS and, 1088–1091

fixed income multifactor risk modeling and, 1054–1055, 1088–1091

gauging, 24–25

incomplete-information approach to, 1026, 1040–1044

interest-rate swaps and, 1474–1475

leverage risk vs., 1321–1322

models of, 25–26

mortgages and, 506–507

with nonagency RMBS, 663, 677–678

per rating, 1091–1092

portfolio management and, 1088–1091

reduced-form approach to, 1026, 1036–1039

of repurchase agreements, 347–349, 1357–1359

sovereign, 1602–1603

structural approach for, 1026–1036

of structured notes, 325–326

time factor in, 80

Credit scores, 494–495

FICO, 655

models for, 992–994

Credit spread, 170, 931–932

in classical approach, 1028–1031

CMBS history with, 702e

convertible valuation models and, 936

cyclicality of, 81–83

duration, 307

factors governing, 1191–1193

in first-passage model, 1030

incomplete-information credit model and, 1040–1041

measuring exposure of, 1292–1294

patterns in, 1031

risk, 25, 277–279

Credit-curve analysis, 1208–1209

Credit-defense trades, 1195–1196

Credit-linked note (CLN)

CDS combined with, 331–332

CDS compared to, 330

characteristics of, 329–331

components of, 434

definition of, 315, 329

in emerging markets, 334–335, 434–435

first-to-default, 333–334

investor exposure with, 434–435

popularity of, 316

reference obligation in, 332

SCDOs combined with, 335–336

SPV structure of, 330–331

Credit-sensitive notes, 333

Credit-spread risk, 360

spread duration measuring, 279, 1291–1292

Credit-upside trades, 1195

Critical stock price, 900, 940

Cross-currency FX trades, 1744

Cross-hedging, 1266, 1404, 1414

Crossover buyers, 226

Cumulative preferred stock, 15, 475

Cumulative swap valuation lattice, 1482, 1485

for forward start swaps, 1487

for LIBOR TED swap, 1497

for swaptions, 1491, 1494

Currency derivatives, 1734

Currency exposures

BC main formula for, 1755–1757

bond portfolio formula for, 1742–1743, 1748–1751

Citigroup indexes formula for, 1751–1753

definition of, 1743, 1744

guiding principles for, 1741–1742

portfolio outperformance from, 1648–1649

Currency management

cross-hedging and, 1266, 1404

hedging and, 1265–1266

international bond portfolio and, 1251–1255

proxy hedging and, 1267

unhedged expected return and, 1268–1269

Currency return, 1264

Currency risk, 28

international bonds and, 401–406

Currency-linked notes, 323–324

Current yield formula, 102–103

yield-to-maturity relationship with coupon rate and, 107

Curtailments, 523

Curvature risk, 816

Curvature shifts, 803–804

elusive nature of, 813

treasury bonds and, 810

Curve allocation

global, 1719–1728

to local markets, 1716–1719

Curve carry, 1718

Curve change, 1718

Curve risk

fixed income multifactor risk modeling and, 1053–1054, 1083–1088

portfolio management and, 1083–1088

Curve-matching portfolio (CMP), 1718

Customer repo, 349–350

CWALT. See Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust

CWHL. See Countrywide Home Loan Mortgage Pass-Through Trust

CWL. See Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates

Da Silva, António Baldaque, 1049, 1069, 1635, 1671, 1711

Dapeng Hu, 645

Dart vs. Brazil, 431

Dattatreya, Ravi F., 21

Davidson, Andrew, 509

Davis, Mark, 1039

DC. See Determinations committee

DCF analysis. See Discounted cash flow analysis

De minimus, rule of, 247

Deal call risk, 563

Dealer options, 1372

Dealer paper, 339

Debenture bonds, 268–269

convertible, 269

exchangeable, 270

subordination of, 269

Debt buyback program, 198–199

Debt covenant, 972

Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), 684

trigger, 703

Debtor in possession (DIP), 1347

Debt-to-income ratio (DTI), 655–656

Dedicated outright convertible bond funds, 311

Dedicated tax-backed bonds, 235, 1000, 1009


barriers, 1030–1031

correlation, 1038–1039

covenant, 971

dependent, 1031–1033, 1041–1042

equivalent recovery and, 1037

GOs and, 995

GOs and city of Cleveland, 1002

intensity, 1036–1037

municipal bonds and, 996

payment, 971

prepayment and, 525–526

top-down approach and expectations of, 1239

Default probability

estimating, 1025

predefault events and, 1035–1036

Default rate, 26

of corporate bonds, 283–285

Default risk, 170

definition of, 25

gauging, 25–26

mortgages and, 506–507

Deferment period, 10

Deferred coupon structures, 282

Deferred-interest bond (DIB), 264, 282

Delinquencies, mortgages and, 506

Deliverable security, 902

Delta, 301, 306

hedging, 1154–1155, 1509–1511

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 486

Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), 1542

Derivative contracts

basis of, 1729

characteristics of, 1370–1372

credit, 1735

currency, 1734

definition of, 1369

interest rate, 1734–1735

leverage security selection outperformance and, 1730

portfolio returns containing, 1729–1730

returns of, 1728–1729

special handling of certain, 1733–1735

Derivative securities, 237–238

Derman, Emanuel, 830–831

Designated Bonds program, 221

Detachable warrants, 14–15

Determinations committee (DC), 1556

Deterministic modeling, 703–704e

Dialynas, Chris P., 299, 1331

DIB. See Deferred-interest bond

Dim sum bonds, 399

DIP. See Debtor in possession

Direct paper, 339

Directionality, options and, 1514

“Dirt” bonds, 231

Discount coupon loans, 528

Discount margin, 358

drawbacks to, 113

for floating-rate securities, 111–112

Discount notes, 211

Discount points, 513

Discount securities, 194

Discounted cash flow analysis (DCF analysis), 683–684

Discretionary order, 1381

Distressed convertibles, 924–925

Distressed debt exchanges

Argentina failures with, 423

components of, 425

international litigation related to, 429–430

restructuring after, 424–427

successes, 422–423

unsuccessful, 423

Distressed investing strategy, 1347–1348

Distressed residential mortgage investment, 1319

Distressed structured credit securities, 1319

Dividend payable, 1744

Dividend protection, 302

Dividend rate, 15, 475

Dividend reset spread, 477

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, 256

trust preferred securities in, 478

Dollar bond, 253

Dollar default rate, 284

Dollar duration

bond portfolio and, 1104

hedging and, 1422–1426

principal component, 1110–1111

Dollar rolls

definition of, 1359

financing cost of, 1360–1362

risk and, 1362

Dollar-for-dollar payback, 927

Dollar-swap curve, 758, 762

Domestic CDs, 344

Domestic issues, 398

Dorigan, Michael, 857

Double barreled bonds, 230

Double-up option, 476

Downgrade risk, 25–26

Downgrade-tolerant indexes, 1161–1162

DSCR. See Debt service coverage ratio

DTCC. See Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation

DTI. See Debt-to-income ratio

DTS. See Duration times spread

Dual-indexed floaters, 355

Duration, 764. See also Effective duration

benchmark index, 149

benchmarks and, 1153–1155

calculating, 137–138

of callable bonds, 158–159

contribution of quality, 1136

contribution of sector, 1135–1136

definition of, 137, 1101

as first derivative (mathematical term), 146–147

of floating-rate securities, 360–361

index, 361

inflation, 1057

international bond portfolio managing, 1259

interpretations of, 145–147

of inverse floaters, 321, 553

key rate, 23, 1083, 1134–1135

long, 1070

Macaulay vs. modified, 144–145

of MBS, 1154

as measure of time, 146–147

measures of, 1410

modified vs. effective, 143–144, 1410

option-adjusted, 144, 534–535, 889–890

of option-free bond, 155–157

partial, 818–819, 820

percentage price change and, 138–140

portfolio, 147–149

portfolio changing, 1403–1404

portfolio management and exposure of, 1086

price change estimation with, 140–142

of putable bonds, 159–161

PVBP and, 164–165

rate shocks and, 142–143

real, 371, 378–379

relative value analysis measuring, 1235

slope, 814–815

target dollar, 1411–1413

TIPS and, 371–373

of yield curve shifts, 819, 821

Duration hedging, 1103

for bond portfolio, 1105–1106

comparative analysis of, 1114–1118

effectiveness of, 1118

hedging errors in, 1117

restrictive assumptions with, 1106

with Taylor expansion, 1104–1107

Duration risk, 23

convertible securities and, 902

Duration times spread (DTS), 1055

advantage of, 1294, 1302, 1315

computing, 1293–1294

credit crisis of 2007-2009 and, 1298–1302

credit risk and, 1088–1091

excess return volatility vs., 1296–1297

hedging and, 1302–1306

index tracking portfolios and, 1306–1310

market-betas predicted with, 1303–1304

for multifactor risk modeling, 1314–1316

portfolio diversification of issuer risk and, 1311–1314

portfolio management with, 1292

restricting limit of, 1313

spread volatility and, 1295–1298

systemic risk factor and, 1088

Duration/convexity approach, to interest-rate risk, 137–149

Duration-convexity hedging, 1107–1108

comparative analysis of, 1114–1118

hedging errors in, 1117

Dym, Steven I., 69

Dynkin, Lev, 1151, 1291, 1635

Early redemption features, 1222

ECNs. See Electronic communications networks

Economic downturns, 1596–1597, 1602–1604

funded hedges and, 1625–1629

homebuilder vulnerabilities in, 1626

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 (ESA), 487


defaulted debt characteristics, 424–425, 427–428

Elliot Associates vs. Peru and, 431

Effective collars, 575–576

Effective convexity, 154, 890–891

interest-rate risk and, 876–878

MBS and, 533–534

percentage price changes and, 161–163

of SMBS, 638–640

Effective date, 1449

Effective duration, 371–373

illustrations of, 154–163

interest-rate risk and, 876–878

MBS and, 533–534

modified duration vs., 143–144, 1410

percentage price changes and, 161–163

of SMBS, 638–640

Effective margin, 357

Eight times rents, 960

El Karoui, Nicole, 1043

Electronic communications networks (ECNs), 53

technology for, 59–61

Electronic fixed income trading

access for, 63–66

aggregation of, 61–62

pricing and, 66–67

technologies for, 59–61

types of, 57–59

Electronic trading

broker-dealers for, 56–57, 63

current technologies for, 59–61

of fixed income instruments, 53–54

models, 58–59

of municipal bonds, 63–66

platforms, 57–58

rise of, 52–55

SEC regulatory requirements for, 55–56

web applications for, 63–66

Eleventh District Cost of Funds Index (COFI), 511

Elliot Associates vs. Peru, 431

Embedded fee, 1363

Embedded options, 171

bonds with, calculating OAS, 873, 875–876

Brady bonds and, 436

convertible securities and, 939–942

interest-rate risk and impact of, 131–132

price volatility of bonds with, 132–135

valuation of bonds with, 866–871

Emerging markets

bonds, 396–397

CDS in, 433–434

CLN in, 334–335, 434–435

credit quality of, 411

dollar-denominated, 389

high-yield bonds in, 412

intermarket correlations for, 415–416

price volatility in, 415

Sharpe ratio in, 415

valuation in, 435–436

Emerging markets debt. See also Distressed debt exchanges

domestic vs. external, 410

history of, 409

IMF and, 427, 429

investor base of, 412–413

issuers of, 410–411

liquidity of, 413, 417

performance history of, 413–415

by region, 410

repo markets and, 435

universe of, 409

Empirical volatility, 1522

EMTNs. See Euro Medium Term Notes

EMU. See European Monetary Union

Enhanced indexers, 1059, 1070

Enhancements, bond portfolios

call exposure, 1145

issue-selection, 1142

lower-cost, 1141–1142

necessity of, 1138, 1140–1141

sector/quality, 1143–1145

yield curve, 1142–1143

yield-tilt, 1143

Eonia swaps. See Eurocurrency OIS swaps

Equal weighting, 36, 38

Equifax, 494

Equilibrium interest rate models, 825

Equipment loans and leases, 732–733

Equipment trust certificates (ETCs), 267–268


convertible bonds and conversion of, 301, 311–312

definition, 960

story, 917

substitute convertibles, 923–924

Equity-linked notes, 324–325

Equity-linked volatility arbitrage, 918

Equivalent recovery, 1037

Equivalent taxable yield

for municipal bonds, 245–246

Treasury securities and, 172

ESA. See Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

Escrow fund, pure vs. mixed, 234

Escrow-to-maturity bonds (ETM bonds), 235

ETCs. See Equipment trust certificates

ETFs. See Exchange-traded funds

ETM bonds. See Escrow-to-maturity bonds

Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTNs), 320

market, 395–396


Eurodollar bonds vs., 399

growth of, 410

market, 5–6

term confusion with, 388

Eurocurrency OIS swaps (Eonia swaps), 1473

Eurodollar bonds

definition of, 391

Eurobonds vs., 399

growth and future of, 391–392

history of, 390

liquidity of, 391

market for, 393–394

marketability of, 391

Yankee bonds vs., 390

Eurodollar CDs, 344

Eurodollar futures

contract, 1377–1378

options on, 1385–1386

European Monetary Union (EMU), 1248

European option, 1371, 1502

Event risk, 30

corporate bonds and, 279–281

Excess Return Model, 1681–1682

formula for, 1688

portfolio outperformance breakdown with, 1689, 1695

Excess return volatility, DTS vs., 1296–1297

Excess spread. See also Over-collateralized/excess spread

in credit card master trust, 719, 721

as credit enhancement, 729

Exchange rates, 932

closing forward rates, 1744, 1753, 1757

closing spot rates, 1744, 1757

Exchangeable bonds, 14, 900

Exchange-rate risk, 28

Exchanges, 58

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs). See also Fixed income ETFs

international bonds and, 400–401

inverse, 446

municipal bond, 226

Ex-coupon date, 1744, 1753–1754, 1758

Execution risk adjustment, for fixed income ETFs, 455–456

Exercise price, 14, 1371

Expected return measures

alternative, 778–784

convexity as component of, 779

curves for, 782

decomposing, 777–788

rate view and, 779–780, 784

rolling yield as component of, 778–779

sample, 781

yield income as component of, 779

Experian, 494

Expiration date, 1371

Extendible reset bonds, 8, 283

Extension risk, 24

Fabozzi, Frank J., 3, 21, 89, 123, 169, 193, 207, 225, 259, 289, 337, 353, 737, 828–829, 857, 881, 949, 1101, 1247, 1355, 1369, 1395, 1409, 1445, 1480

Factoring securities, 1744–1745

Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), 221–222

credit scores from, 655

nonagency RMBS scores with, 647

“Fallen Angels,” 281, 1314

Fannie Mae. See Federal National Mortgage Association

Farm Credit System (FCS), 219–220

Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation, 222

Farmer Mac. See Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation

FCF. See Free cash flow

FCS. See Farm Credit System

FDIC. See Federal Deposit Insurance Company

Federal agencies, 207

Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac), 221

Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC), 217

Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), 733–734

Federal funds futures contracts, 1379

Federal funds market, 350–351

Federal funds rate, 74, 350–351

Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), 207

Global Debt program, 211, 214

history and operation of, 219–220

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), 207

agency pool programs for, 515–518

debt spreads of, 208–209

Fed purchasing debt obligations of, 210–211

Gold program of, 518

government conservatorship of, 208–211

guarantees of, 514–515

history and operation of, 219, 513–515

pool characteristics disclosures of, 521

Reference Bill program, 211

Reference Notes program, 211, 214

SMBS program of, 632

WAC of pool of, 515–516

WAM of pool of, 516

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 486, 1013

Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), 209

Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), 207, 1423–1426

agency pool programs for, 515–518

Benchmark Bill program, 211

Benchmark Notes program, 211, 214

debt spreads of, 208–209

Fed purchasing debt obligations of, 210–211

government conservatorship of, 208–211

guarantees of, 514–515

history and operation of, 218–219, 513–515

MBS program of, 518

pool characteristics disclosures of, 521

SMBS program of, 629, 631–632

spread analysis for, 532

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), 200

Federal Reserve (Fed). See also Central bank

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt obligations purchased by, 210–211

federal funds market and, 350–351

liquidity and, 74–75

maintenance margin requirement of, 1362–1363

repo market and, 349–350

in secondary market, 200–201

top-down approach and policy of, 1236–1237

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 200

Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), 221

Fee income, options and, 1514

Feldstein, Sylvan G., 225, 995

Ferri, Michael G., 3

FFELP. See Federal Family Education Loan Program

FHA. See Federal Housing Administration

FHFA. See Federal Housing Finance Agency

FHLB. See Federal Home Loan Banks

FHLMC Series 3104, 895–897

FHLMC Series 3145, 891, 893

FICO. See Fair Isaac Corporation

Fill-or-kill order, 1382

Finance bills, 342

Financial indentures, 975

asset coverage and, 984

asset quality in, 982–983

credit analysis of, 981–986

earnings record and, 985

leverage and, 983–984

liquidity and, 984

management and, 985

size and, 985–986

Financial industry

ownership in, 982

segments within, 981–982

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), TRACE program of, 55–56

Financial Information eXchange (FIX), 53–54

Financial risk, in credit analysis, 1218

Financing rate, 1399, 1401–1402

Finnerty, John D., 315

FINRA. See Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

Firm value, 1042

First and consolidated bonds, 265

First and refunding bonds, 265

First call date, 108

First derivative (mathematical term), 146–147

First loss piece, 665

First par call date, 108

First-to-default hedge (FTD), 1621

marked-to-market, 1623–1625

for sovereign risk, 1622, 1623


corporate bonds ratings of, 278

municipal bond ratings of, 242–244

Fitzgerald, Wayne M., II, 681

FIX. See Financial Information eXchange

Fixed coupons, 663

Fixed income ETFs

active, 447

attributes of, 439

bonds compared to, 441–442

characteristics and mechanics of, 448–452

creation cost of, 453–454

discounts of, 453–456

execution risk adjustment for, 455–456

flow factor of, 454–455

fund distribution of, 448

futures compared to, 441–442

holdings transparency of, 448

index, 447

institutional investors of, 444–445

investment characteristics of, 440–446

leveraged, 446

liquidity of, 451–452

management of, 447

market price of, 450

NAV of, 450

options on, 445–446

OTC market vs., 450–451

premiums of, 453–456

in primary market, 449–450

retail investors and financial intermediaries strategies for, 443

in secondary market, 450–452

short selling of, 446

swaps compared to, 441–442

trading behavior of, 453–456

Fixed income floor, 902

Fixed income instruments. See also Electronic fixed income trading

electronic trading of, 53–54

pricing of, 66–67

retail investor access to, 63–66

retail investor participation in, 62–63

workflow for trading, 53

Fixed income multifactor risk modeling

credit risk and, 1054–1055, 1088–1091

curve risk and, 1053–1054, 1083–1088

defining, 1052–1053

factor exposure reports for, 1083

factor partition for, 1080–1081

idiosyncratic risk and, 1057–1058

implied volatility risk and, 1056

inflation risk and, 1057

issuer-specific risk and, 1096–1098

issue-specific risk and, 1094–1096

liquidity risk and, 1056–1057

motivation and structure underlying, 1050–1052

prepayment risk and, 1055–1056, 1091–1094

security partition for, 1081–1082

summary report for, 1077–1083

swap spread risk and, 1086–1088

tax-policy risk and, 1057

Fixed income securities

definition of, 1671

implied volatility change return and, 1677–1678

Other Market Return and, 1678

portfolio outperformance for, 1681–1682

pricing model for, 1671–1674

return splitting for, 1672–1674, 1679–1680

spread change return and, 1678–1679

surprise return and, 1675

time return and, 1675–1676

yield curve change return and, 1676–1677

Fixed income transitions. See also Transition management

case study of, 1288–1289

costs of, 1283–1284

event chronology for, 1278–1279

implementation issues specific to, 1286–1287

implementation shortfall example for, 1285–1286

metrics and objectives for, 1281–1283

risk and, 1280

risk/cost tradeoff in, 1286

timeline of, 1282

tradeoffs in, 1284–1285

uniqueness of, 1280–1281

Fixed-price call provision, 271

Fixed-rate bonds, 262

Fixed-rate mortgages, 484–485

constant payment, 510

payment calculation for, 488, 491

Fixed-rate payer, 1446, 1450, 1460

Fixed-rate payments

calculation of, 1455–1457

present value calculation for, 1464, 1467

Fixed-rate preferred stock, 477

Flat price, 101–102

Fleming, Michael J., 193

Flexible Treasury futures options, 1385

Floaters. See Floating-rate securities

Floating coupons, 663

Floating-rate issue, 227

valuation of, 436

Floating-rate notes, 317–318

capped vs. uncapped, 1391–1392

Floating-rate payer, 1446, 1450

Floating-rate payments

calculating, 1452–1453, 1454

future, 1453, 1455

present value calculation for, 1457–1460, 1461, 1464, 1467

Floating-rate securities, 7, 238. See also Inverse floaters

callable, 356

CMOs and, 551–553

collar in, 355

coupon formula for, 354

coupon rate of, 7

discount margin for, 111–112

dual-indexed, 355

duration of, 360–361

features of, 354–356

floor in, 354

history of, 353

interest-rate risk for, 135–136

inverse, 355

portfolio strategies for, 362

prepayment option for, 356

price volatility of, 358–361

put provisions and, 356–357

range note, 355

required margin and, 362

spread measures for, 357–358

stepped-spread, 355

tranches and, 551–553

yield measures for, 111–113

Floorlets, 1528–1530

calibration of, 1534

Floors, 7, 1386

definition of, 1525–1526

in floating-rate securities, 354

on LIBOR, 1390–1392

payoff rate for, 1532

straddle pricing, 1535–1536

swaptions vs., 1535, 1537–1538

trading insights for, 1530–1535

uses for, 1528

volatility and, 1532–1533

Flow factor, of fixed income ETFs, 454–455

Flow of funds structure, 998–999

Focardi, Sergio M., 21

FOMC. See Federal Open Market Committee

Foreign currencies, 1745

Foreign exchange (FX)

allocation outperformance, 1722

characteristics of, by currency, 1720–1721

cross-currency trades, 1744

forward outright buy, 1759–1760

forward outright sell, 1757

global yield curve allocation outperformance, 1724, 1726–1727

hedging, 1713–1715

local cross-term return, 1715

local market allocation and, 1715–1719

outright buy, 1755

outright sell, 1752–1753

portfolio outperformance, 1650, 1714–1716, 1719–1728

return splitting, 1712–1713

trades, 1747

Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, 430

Forward contracts

definition of, 1371

futures contracts and, 1371

interest-rate swaps and, 1447

options compared to, 1372

OTC market and, 1387

Forward discount factor, 1458–1459, 1464, 1466

Forward rate agreements (FRAs), 1388

OTC market for, 1392–1393

Forward rates

arbitrage interpretation of, 792–793

binomial lattice model of, 831

break-even interpretation of, 792–793

as break-even rate, 749, 757–759

calculating, 764–765

cheap maturity sectors and, 759–760

decomposing of, 772–777, 788–791

determinants of, 770–777

implied, 183

for interest-rate swaps, 1466

international bond portfolio and, 1270–1273

one-year, 747, 748

as relative-value tools, 761–762

rolling yield interpretation of, 792–793

short-term, 184–185

spot rate and, 765–767

spot-rate curve and, 792

term structure and, 792

for Treasury securities, 181–183

yield curve shape and, 770–772, 1689–1690

yield curve trades and analysis of, 757–762

Forward start swaps

cumulative swap valuation lattice for, 1487

definition of, 1486

valuation of, 1486–1490

Forward starting, 1530

Forward-start swaps, 1449, 1472

FRAs. See Forward rate agreements

Freddie Mac. See Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

Free cash flow (FCF), 987–988

Free operating cash flow, 960

Fridson, Martin, 949

Friedman, Milton, 1332, 1334

FSLIC. See Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation

FTD. See First-to-default hedge

Full faith and credit obligations, 230

Full-valuation approach, to interest-rate risk, 124–128

Fully Analytical Model, 1666, 1669, 1682

advantages of, 1697–1698

asset allocation with, 1702–1703

inflation and, 1704, 1706–1709

mortgages and, 1701, 1704, 1705

portfolio outperformance and, 1698–1701

Funded hedges

counterparty risk costs to, 1630–1631

economic downturn and, 1625–1629

important tips for, 1619–1620

purpose of, 1618–1619

sovereign defaults and, 1620–1625

trade-specific risks for, 1629–1630

unfunded hedges compared to, 1593–1595

unfunded hedges risk compared to, 1627–1629

Funds flow, 960

Fusion transactions, 682–683

Future Guarantees covenant, 972


cash equitization and, 444

fixed income ETFs compared to, 441–442

interest-rate risk controlled with, 1409–1428

Futures contracts. See also Interest-rate futures contracts

arbitrage model for, 1398–1401

asset allocation and, 1405

forward contracts and, 1371

hedging with, 1404, 1414–1421

long and short position in, 1370

options compared to, 1372

pricing, 1395–1403

theoretical, 1398–1403

trading of, 1386

Futures options, 1383–1386

covered call-writing strategy with, 1437–1440

protective put-buying strategy using, 1433–1437

Futures trading

clearing corporation and, 1382

liquidating position in, 1382

margin requirements and, 1383

mechanics of, 1386

types of orders in, 1380–1382

FX. See Foreign exchange

GAAP. See Generally accepted accounting principles

Gabudean, Radu, 1049, 1069

Gallegos, Daniel, 1277

Gamma, 306

flat, 1511

hedging, 1511–1513

GANs. See Grant anticipation notes

Gartland, William J., 1501

GASB. See Governmental Accounting Standards Board

GDP. See Gross Domestic Product

General market names, 252

General obligation bonds (GOs), 230

budgetary soundness with, 1005–1006

Cleveland default on, 1002

creditworthiness of, 996

debt burden and, 1004–1005

defaults and, 995

definition of, 3–4

economic concerns and, 1006–1007

Internet usage with, 1006

issuer scrutiny for, 1001–1002

key debt ratios for, 1005

legal opinion on, 997

negative trends for, 1020

tax burden and, 1006

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 957, 1022

Gerard, James M., 1247

Germany, Pfandbrief Act, 463–464

Giesecke, Kay, 1025, 1035, 1039–1041, 1043–1044

Ginnie Mae. See Government National Mortgage Association

Global credit portfolio management

bottom-up approach, 1188

challenge of, 1184–1185

credit analysis and, 1209–1210

credit relative value analysis and, 1186–1190

credit-curve analysis, 1208–1209

information processing in, 1184–1185

liquidity and trading analysis for, 1193–1194

methodology for, 1186, 1189

primary market analysis for, 1191–1192

sector rotation strategies for, 1210–1211

spread analysis and, 1200–1204

structural analysis and, 1204–1208

top-down approach, 1188

total-return analysis and, 1191

trading constraints and, 1198–1200

Global curve allocation, 1719–1728

Global Debt program, 211, 214

Global Emerging Market External Sovereign Plus Debt Index (IP00), 417

Global government bonds. See also International bonds

correlation relationships for, 45–49

geometric mean return vs. standard deviation for, 44

history of, 394–395

indexes of, 41–42, 43

risk/return characteristics of, 43–45

Global High Yield Index (HW00), 417

Global portfolio, 1103. See also International bond portfolio

Gold Sheets, 296

Goldberg, Lisa, 1025, 1040–1041, 1043–1044

Goldstein, Robert, 645

Good-til-canceled order, 1382

GOs. See General obligation bonds

Government loans, 486

Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), 513–514

agency pool programs for, 515–518

MBS programs of, 517–518

SMBS program of, 632–633

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 257

Governmental Standards Accounting Board (GSAB), 1022

Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), 4, 16, 509. See also Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation; Federal National Mortgage Association

callable securities and, 212

definition of, 207

future uncertainty of, 487

guarantees of, 514–515

loans of, 486–487

nonactive and recently retired, 221–223

types of, 217

Grant, Alexander, 225, 995

Grant anticipation notes (GANs), 236

Graphical user interface (GUI), 59–61

Greeks, 1672

Grieves, Robin, 1369

Grinold, Richard, 1179, 1303–1304

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

aggregate demand sectors of, 70–72

corporate profits and, 73

definition of, 69

gap, 69–70

potential, 69–70

Gross interest, 960

Gross rents, 960

Gross revenues flow of funds structure, 999

GSAB. See Governmental Accounting Standards Board

GSEs. See Government-sponsored enterprises

Guaranteed bonds, 270

Guaranty fees, 497

GUI. See Graphical user interface

Haircuts, 1357

CMBS and, 698, 700

HAMP. See Home Affordable Modification Program

Hard put, 13, 906

Hedge fund fixed income strategies, 1331

Hedge funds

as CMO investors, 565–566

convertible securities and, 943

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