• n-space, 222

  • n-tuple, 222

  • n-vector, 166, 222

  • Natural frequency, 328, 428

  • Natural growth and decay, 35

  • Natural growth equation, 37

  • Natural mode of oscillation, 428

  • Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727), 95, 373

  • Newton's law of cooling, 2, 38

  • Newton's law of gravitation, 99, 373

  • Newton's method, 97, 292

  • Newton's second law of motion, 11, 15, 94, 266, 302, 327, 365, 425

  • Nilpotent matrix, 474, 498

  • Nodal sink (or source), 401, 402, 406, , 408, 506

  • Node (improper or proper), 401, 506

  • Nonelementary function, 106

  • Nonhomogeneous equation, 266, 287

  • Nonhomogeneous system, 248, 370, 382, 482

  • Nonlinear pendulum, 544

  • Nonlinear spring, 539

  • Nonlinear vibrations, 542

  • Nonsingular matrix, 183

    • properties, 183

  • Null space, 255

    • and row space, 255

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