Chapter 9. Metal Mech Part 2

The last chapter was really fun, wasn't it? This game is going to be really cool! In this chapter, we are going to be adding a little more functionality and by the end, we are going to have a lot of the gameplay done. This chapter is going to be a lot of fun!

Let's take a look at what we are going to do in this chapter:

  • Player shooting bullets and rockets
  • Enemy detection with the line of sight
  • Particle effects
  • Player health

I'm just so excited to start this chapter, so let's dive right into it!

Making our player shoot!

What kind of game would this be if you weren't able to shoot back at our enemies? I don't think it would be very enjoyable. So, in this section, we are going to look at how to make our player shoot, and the first thing we have to do is create the images.

First, we are going to design our bullet image, a bullet image that will look like a blazing hot glowing projectile (which is totally wrong because the only time you can see bullets flying is when they are tracer rounds).

I drew a straight, white line, then copied the layer, added a Gaussian Blur with a .6 intensity, and colored it yellow, as shown in the following screenshot.

Making our player shoot!
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