Creating Level 4

This level is going to be near the sun!

Creating Level 4

Yep, that's a shooting cow! They're very rare, one only passes by our earth every 50,000 years. I was lucky enough to capture this image with one in it. Yeah, anyways let's create this level.

Import your new image into GameSalad's image library and drag it into your level, and resize accordingly. Then, create a new level in the project Home screen and name it Level 4.

This level is going to be a negative gravity level, so the ball will fall upwards instead of down, so let's build the puzzle accordingly.

  1. Create the ball at the lower-left corner of the level.
  2. Create an upwards ramp going to the right end of the screen of two angled platforms, and a straight platform at the end of it.
  3. Where the ball would roll upwards, create an angled platform that will bounce the ball to the left; this will be just a small angle.
  4. Where that platform will bounce the ball, create an opposite-angle platform sending the ball to the right, and off the screen.
    Creating Level 4
  5. Create your basket directly above the ball's starting point at the top of the level.
  6. Create two, 18 or 19 degree platforms for the player to use, then two extreme-angled platforms, that when put together will act as a funnel. Put these off to the side.
  7. I created two vortexes or teleportation points, one at the top-right corner of the screen, and one below the basket.

To solve this puzzle, the player will have to add the two 18 degree platforms to the ramp at the bottom, then using the two extreme-angled platforms, create a funnel to the top vortex. Now, the ball will be transported to the second vortex going straight up into the basket.

Have a go hero

This is a fun level to create because of the negative gravity. You can have a lot of fun creative ways for the player to solve this one. Give it a go and see what you come up with!

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