Creating Level 8

This level is going to be in a volcano!

Creating Level 8

Ok, there we are, a nice hot volcano with some glowing embers flying away.


In the next chapter, we will make some actual particle embers fly around.

Let's create this level!

  1. Create a new level in the project Home screen, and rename it Level 8. Open it up, so we can edit it.
  2. Add your new image background to the Library and create a new actor with the image. You may need to resize it accordingly because we selected resolution independence.
  3. Create a Ball actor at the upper-left corner.
  4. Under the Ball actor, create an angled platform (to get a perfect angle every time, when rotating press and hold the shift button) and a flat platform at the bottom of the angled platform.
  5. Underneath the platform you just created, create another flat platform and a vertical platform to the right.
  6. Create another angled platform and flat platform under and to the left, almost at the bottom of the level. Make sure you leave a gap for the ball to fall between the flat platform and the vertical platform created earlier.
  7. Create an angled launcher (315 degrees) directly below the gap.
    Creating Level 8
  8. Create a 45 degree launcher and three platforms at the same angle, and put them off to the side for the player to use.
  9. At the top of the level, to the right of the ball's starting point, create a flat platform with the finishing basket on it.

To solve this puzzle, the player has to divert the ball, so it doesn't fall into the lava pit at the very beginning. When it leaves the ramp, the player must put the angled platform at the end of the flat platform, so that the ball falls to the platform below. The ball will continue and fall on the ramp below. Then, it will fall into the gap and land on the launcher. The player must move the launcher to bounce the ball up to the basket, and use the remaining platforms to get the ball in the basket.

Have a go hero

See what you can do with this level, create a difficult puzzle for the player to solve.

Onto level 9! We are on the final stretch!

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