Time for action — creating particle effects for the rockets

Now, we are going to spruce those rockets up with some particle effects:

  1. Go back to our Rocket actor so we can add a particle behavior. Add it in and change the settings to:
  • Spawn Rate Tab:
    • Number of Particles:50
    • Particle Startup Time:2
    • Particle Lifetime:1
  • Velocity/Position Tab:
    • Emitter Offset (both of them): 0
    • Direction:0
    • Speed:0
  • Size Tab:
    • Size: 2 | Size Changes To | Size Transition:
    • Target Size:10
    • Duration:1
  • Color Tab:
    • Color:Tangerine
    • Color Changes To
    • Blending:Additive
    • Color Transition: | Target Color:Iron
    • Duration: 0.5seconds
  • Rotation Tab:
    • Initial Rotation:0
    • Angular Velocity:40
  • Image Tab:
    • Set Image To: Laser (I used the same image as the laser and it looks awesome)
Time for action — creating particle effects for the rockets

I think the effect looks pretty awesome!

What just happened?

We added some really cool-looking particle effects coming out of the rockets! Don't forget that I have only covered the flames coming out; why not try a shorter lifetime for the flame particles, and add in another particle behavior to simulate smoke? These are just small things, but in the long run your game will look better.

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