Creating the menu and more sprites

Now that we are done with our company logos, we are going to create the menu.

  1. Add a new actor, and name it Text Button or something similar. Drag it into the middle of the level and double-click to edit it.
  2. Add a new rule to the actor, change it to Actor receives event | touch | is | pressed;; then add a Change Scene behavior to the rule and change its setting to Next Scene.
  3. Then add a Display Text behavior, and change the text to Tap to Play. For now, this is going to be the only button we add; but in the next chapter, we will add some more.
  4. Create a new level and name it Level, this is going to be our playground for our spaceship to save the world. Next, we have to design the sprites:

    Our background: Following is a cool background screenshot for our level, lots of stars, and some space dust floating around.

Creating the menu and more sprites
  • The asteroid: Following is a screenshot for the asteroid, nothing too fancy but it still looks like an asteroid.
Creating the menu and more sprites
  • Player spaceship: Following is a screenshot for your spaceship, it looks pretty cool, doesn't it? If you want to make it look better, you can!
Creating the menu and more sprites
  • Enemy spaceships: Finally, the enemy spaceship, just a classy looking flying saucer.
Creating the menu and more sprites

Have a go hero

Why not try designing your own sprites? Make them look as cool as you like, cartoony or realistic, it's all up to you!

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