Chapter 5. Starting Simple: Ball Drop Part 2

In the previous chapter, when we put together our Ball Drop game, we designed all the levels and images. In this chapter, we are going to finish the game by adding all the behaviors, sound effects, and more. This is where the game comes together and we add the breath of life to our work.

Ok, enough with the chit chat! What we are going to do in this chapter:

  • Create 10 playable levels, and a menu system
  • Add touch controls
  • Add gravity, physics, and collisions
  • Add behaviors to our images
  • Add scoring and leaderboards

By the end of this chapter, you are going to have your very own work of art, everything in the game will be in working order, and it will be ready for distribution.

Let's get to it!

Creating our menu, by adding behaviors to images!

When was the last time you turned on a game and was immediately thrown into the first level, not knowing what to do? I can't think of any that I have played. Menus are very important for the player because in the menu, you as the developer can tell the player how to play, and give them a wide array of options; in iOS, for example, touch or tilt controls and in-game music or iPod music. The menu acts as a lobby for the player; when they aren't playing, they go to the menu, to take a break from playing and check out their achievements and how they stacked up on the Leaderboards. So, let's program the menu for our game.

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