Creating Level 7, a sandbox level

What does a sandbox level mean? To solve this, the player will have to move all the platforms around to bounce the ball onto the launcher, which will bounce the flying ball to the basket. Simple enough right? It just takes some figuring out.

This level is going to be in the Sahara desert! (Get it, sandbox level, and it's in the desert.)

There it is! Filled with a sandstorm and rolling dunes.

Creating Level 7, a sandbox level

You know the drill, create a new level and rename it to Level 7. Open it up and let's edit it.

  1. Create the Ball actor at the top-right corner of the level.
  2. Create a Launcher actor at the bottom center of the level.
  3. Now, we are going to create nine usable platforms for the user, three each of 46 degrees, 315 degrees, and 0 degrees.
Creating Level 7, a sandbox level

That's the level, looks filled with fun, doesn't it? In this level, we have given the player the option to create their own level, and they have the flexibility to solve it in many ways; just as long as the player can figure out how to get the ball in the basket, that's all that matters!

Have a go hero

See if you can make this more difficult; maybe add a larger level where you have to bounce the ball on to numerous launchers to reach the basket.

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