The finishing touches

We are going to create the final You Won screen. In it, we are going to congratulate the player, show their final score, and maybe even put in some credits because after all, you want people to know who made this masterpiece.

Create a new level in the project's Home screen, and name it You Win or something similar. Design your background image as shown:

The finishing touches

Let's add it into our library and then into our level. Once this is done, create a text actor in the area under Final Score. This will be our text actor that will display the score, but for now, we don't have an attribute set up yet so we will leave it blank. Add another text actor; this will be our button that will take us back to the main menu. Change the Display text behavior to<- Main Menu, or you can create an image for the button.

The finishing touches

Have a go hero

Create your own Congratulations level; make it look snazzy and attractive to the eyes.

Have a go hero

By now, how can you not love GameSalad? We are starting to learn more and more about designing games, and by the end of the next chapter, you are going to have a fully-fledged game that is ready for deployment on iOS devices, or Android! It's so exciting, isn't it? But for now, I suggest you take a break, have a nice coffee, or a nap. We have a lot more work to do, and we are just getting started.

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