Creating Level 3

Now the game will start to get a little more difficult, as we are going to start creating more complex puzzles. We are going to have three platforms the player will have to move around in order to solve the puzzle.

This one is going to be on the moon!

Creating Level 3

Mmmm, it's as if you're actually there on the sea of tranquility. Let's start creating this level now. In the project Home screen create a new level, and name it Level 3. Double-click on it and start editing it. Import your new image into the library and drag it into the level.

  1. Create the Ball actor at the top-left corner of the level.
  2. Create a three platform ramp starting at a hard angle, leveling off to almost flat.
  3. Leave a gap, large enough for the ball to fit through, and then continue the ramp with two or more platforms.
  4. Create a flat platform underneath the gap and slightly to the left of it.
  5. Create another platform, lower again, and to the far left of the level.
  6. Create a flat platform that joins a ramp of one platform, below and to the right of the last platform.
    Creating Level 3
  7. Then create your basket further to the right of the ramp you just created, as shown in the previous screenshot.
  8. Create three platforms for the player to move around, one flat and two at opposite angles.

To solve this puzzle, the player has to stop the ball from rolling all the way down the ramp, so it falls through the gap and rolls off the platform on to the level below. The ball will have enough momentum to roll to the next platform underneath it. The player will have to drag the other angle to that platform, so the ball doesn't roll off the level and gains more momentum. The ball will then roll to the platform and ramp below, and the player will have to drag the flat platform to bridge the gap from the ramp to the basket.

Have a go hero

Create your own version of this level, make it as cool and complex as you like; again this is your game, so make it amazing my friend!

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