Uploading large objects

Every OpenStack Object Storage cluster has a limit on how large the uploaded objects can be. Usually that limit is set to 5 GB, though each cluster can have its own limit. However, this doesn't mean that you are limited to uploading only 5 GB or smaller objects to OpenStack Object Storage. Swift provides large object support via already configured and deployed middleware by splitting up large objects into smaller parts. There are two types of large object support: dynamic and static.

Getting ready

Ensure that you are logged on to a correctly configured OpenStack client and can access the OpenStack environment as a user with the swiftoperator privileges. We will use the developer user created in the Common OpenStack identity tasks recipe in Chapter 2, The OpenStack Client with the cookbook4 password. We also granted this user with the swiftoperator privileges.

Since the OpenStack CLI does not provide all the functionality required through the individual OpenStack project client, we will need to use the Swift CLI for this recipe. Ensure that you have the Swift command-line client installed. If you do not, install it:

pip install python-swiftclient

How to do it..

To upload large objects to OpenStack Object Storage container, follow these steps:

  1. First, we can list available containers with the following command:
    swift list

    This will give a list of the containers we have:

  2. To upload a large file, we will specify the segment size of the objects in bytes with the –S flag:
    swift upload -S 25000 books nova.txt

    This will show the object being split into segments in the following output:

    nova.txt segment 1
    nova.txt segment 0
    nova.txt segment 5
    nova.txt segment 2
    nova.txt segment 3
    nova.txt segment 4

    In this example, the segment size is 25000 bytes, and our 128 K nova.txt file was split into 6 segments before being uploaded to the Swift cluster.

  3. Verify that the file has been uploaded by listing the available objects in the container:
    swift list books

    This shows our nova.txt file available:


    Even though the file was split into 6 parts for uploading, it appears as one file in Swift's books container. The segments are listed separately in a new container.

  4. To view the available containers, issue this command:
    swift list

    This gives us our containers with a new one automatically created:


    You will notice that a new books_segments container has been created automatically.

  5. List objects in the books_segments container to view individual objects:
    swift list books_segments

    This shows our segmented file objects:



    Do not modify or delete these objects individually.

  6. View the details of the uploaded object in the books container using the stat command:
    swift stat books nova.txt

    This gives a number of details about our nova.txt file in the books container:

                   Account: AUTH_402e8fe274c143ea91fe905a1b8c7614
                 Container: books
                    Object: nova.txt
              Content Type: text/plain
            Content Length: 131024
             Last Modified: Sun, 17 Dec 2017 06:36:32 GMT
                      ETag: "cd0ef1b80a6261f0b6b7db9efa739938"
                  Manifest: books_segments/nova.txt/1512361523.073429/131024/25000/Meta Mtime: 1512361523.073429
             Accept-Ranges: bytes
               X-Timestamp: 1513492591.13264
                X-Trans-Id: tx4fa6e7a4e53a459a86430-005a3611ad
    X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx4fa6e7a4e53a459a86430-005a3611ad

    Take a look at the manifest field in the information provided. The manifest field will include the container details that was created for individual segments, the original file size, and segment size.

How it works

Since the OpenStack CLI does not provide large file upload support at the time of this recipe's writing, we will use the Swift command-line client. In order to store large files in OpenStack Object Storage, objects have to be split up or segmented before uploading to a container. This segmentation is done for us by specifying the -S flag in the swift upload command:

swift upload -S size_in_bytes container large_object

When uploading large files, Swift automatically creates a new container and pseudo-folders for individual segments of the uploaded object. Individual segments may be listed the same way as regular objects; however, do not manipulate them directly.

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