Using OpenStack Dashboard to delete instances

Terminating instances is very simple when using the OpenStack Dashboard.

Getting ready

Load a web browser, point it to our OpenStack Dashboard address at, and log in as a user in the default domain, such as the developer user, created in the Common OpenStack identity tasks recipe in Chapter 2, The OpenStack Client with the cookbook4 password. The URL for our dashboard is same as the public load balancer IP as discussed in Chapter 1, Installing OpenStack with Ansible. If you need to find out at what URL your Horizon is, use public IP from the OpenStack catalog list as described in Chapter 3, Keystone – OpenStack Identity Service.

How to do it…

To deleting instances using OpenStack Dashboard, carry out the following steps:

  1. Select the Instances tab and choose the instance to be terminated by selecting the checkbox next to the instance name (or names), and then click on the red Delete Instances button:
    How to do it…
  2. We will be presented with a confirmation screen. Click on the Delete Instances button to terminate the selected instance:
    How to do it…
  3. Now we will be presented with the Instances screen with a confirmation that the instance has been deleted successfully.

How it works…

Deleting instances using OpenStack Dashboard is easy. We will select our running instance and click on the Delete Instances button, which is highlighted when an instance is selected. After clicking on the Delete Instances button, we will be asked to confirm this action to minimize the risk of accidentally terminating an instance.

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