Using Ansible to fully orchestrate the creation of a web server and load balancer stack

The previous recipes launched instances into an existing environment, including existing networks, images and keys, for example. However, using Ansible for orchestration of OpenStack environments brings a full suite of modules that can be used to operate more than just Nova. For example, we can use Ansible to control Glance, Neutron, Cinder, and so on.

In this recipe, we only assume that a user is able to authenticate into a project. We don't assume that any networks exist, or even any images exist. We can get Ansible's view of the world to ensure that images and networks are present, and if not—create them.

Note that this recipe is intended to introduce you to the wonderful world of Ansible. The example is to show the creation of a stack from start to finish. Optimizing Ansible playbooks is beyond the scope of this book.

Getting ready

Ensure that you are logged on to a correctly configured OpenStack client and can access the OpenStack environment that has Ansible installed.

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps to launch an environment that ensures an image is available for use, sets the correct security groups, creates new networks and routers, and finally installs Apache onto two web servers:

  1. We can assume a blank OpenStack project, but we want to ensure that we have the appropriate running instances and services. We first include tasks as part of our Create OpenStack Cloud Environment play that first downloads an Ubuntu 16.04 image and then loads into OpenStack. Start off by creating the full-stack.yml file with the following contents:
    - name: Create OpenStack Cloud Environment
      hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
        webserver_count: 2
        - name: Download Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial
            dest: /tmp/ubuntu-16.04.img
        - name: Ensure Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Image Exists
            name: xenial-image
            container_format: bare
            disk_format: qcow2
            state: present
            filename: /tmp/ubuntu-16.04.img
            verify: false
  2. Next, we will create the private tenant network and router. We only assume that a shared provider network already exists. In this instance, we assume this provider network—that provides floating IP addresses—is called GATEWAY_NET. Carry on editing the file to include the following tasks as part of the same Create OpenStack Cloud Environment play:
        - name: Create the cookbook network
            state: present
            name: cookbook_network
            external: false
            shared: false
            verify: false
          register: cookbook_network
        - name: Create the test subnet
            state: present
            network_name: "{{ }}"
            name: cookbook_subnet
            ip_version: 4
            enable_dhcp: yes
            verify: false
          register: cookbook_subnet
        - name: Create the test router
            state: present
            name: cookbook_router
            network: GATEWAY_NET
              - subnet: GATEWAY_SUBNET
              - cookbook_subnet
            verify: false


    Optional (if using the Vagrant environment). Currently, the os_router module is unable to insert static routes into a router, so if you have a requirement to utilize static routes into your Ansible controlled playbooks, a workaround is to execute an openstack command instead as shown as follows. If you are using the Vagrant lab that accompanies this book, you may need to provide static routes to your router in order for traffic to flow from the physical host to the VirtualBox/VMware environment. If you require this, add in the following task (edit to suit your environment). In this instance, the physical host running the Vagrant environment has an IP of and allows traffic to flow from the physical host to the instances that have a floating IP from a provider network. This provider network here is the GATEWAY_NET referred to in this example:

        - name: Insert routes into router
          command: openstack router set --route destination=,gateway= cookbook_router
          register: cookbook_router_route
  3. Next, we configure the security groups. Remember that Ansible uses SSH to connect to servers, and by default, cloud images prevent any incoming connections. So one of the rules should be for allowing incoming SSH connections. We also need to configure security group rules for the intended service that is to run on the instances. In this case, we're running Apache and HAProxy on TCP Port 80, so that also needs to be set up here:
        - name: Create ansible security group
            state: present
            name: ansible
            verify: false
        - name: Create rule to allow SSH connections
            security_group: ansible
            protocol: tcp
            port_range_min: 22
            port_range_max: 22
            verify: false
        - name: Create webserver security group
            state: present
            name: webserver
            verify: false
        - name: Create rule to allow http connections
            security_group: webserver
            protocol: tcp
            port_range_min: 80
            port_range_max: 80
            verify: false


    As we are running Ansible from one specific host, we can further secure the Ansible SSH security group rule by limiting the access from a single IP address, and not a general range.

  4. We can now launch the instances. Carry on editing this file to add in the tasks to launch multiple web servers and a single HAProxy instance as follows. Note that the chosen network, image, and security groups match what we created in the preceding tasks:
        - name: Deploy Webserver Instances
            state: present
            name: webserver{{ item }}
            image: xenial-image
            key_name: demokey
            timeout: 200
            flavor: m1.tiny
            network: cookbook_network
            security_groups: default,ansible,webserver
            verify: false
          register: nova_webservers
            count={{ webserver_count }}
        - name: Add webservers to Inventory
          add_host: name="{{ }}" groups=webservers
                 ansible_ssh_host="{{ item.server.accessIPv4 }}"
          with_items: "{{ nova_webservers.results }}"
        - name: Deploy HAProxy Instance
            state: present
            name: haproxy
            image: xenial-image
            key_name: demokey
            timeout: 200
            flavor: m1.tiny
            network: cookbook_network
            security_groups: default,ansible,webserver
            verify: false
          register: nova_haproxy
        - name: Add HAProxy to Inventory
          add_host: name="{{ }}" groups=haproxy
                 ansible_ssh_host="{{ item.server.accessIPv4 }}"
          with_items: "{{ nova_haproxy.results }}"
  5. As we have seen, we need to wait for SSH to be available before Ansible should continue, so we add in a wait until this is so. Note that we apply this play to both the webservers and haproxy hosts groups:
    - name: Wait for port 22 to be ready
      hosts: webservers:haproxy
      gather_facts: False
        - local_action: wait_for port=22 host="{{ ansible_ssh_host }}"  search_regex=OpenSSH delay=10
  6. With the instances up and running, the final tasks are concerned with installation and configuration of the services that run on the instances. We will first install Apache on our web servers. This play is applied to our webservers hosts, so these tasks will run for each of them:
    - name: Configure Web Servers
      hosts: webservers
      remote_user: ubuntu
      become: yes
      gather_facts: False
        - name: Set APT proxy
          raw: echo "Acquire::http::Proxy "";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf
        - name: 'install python2'
          raw: sudo apt-get -y install python-simplejson
        - name: Ensure Apache is installed
          apt: name=apache2 state=latest
        - name: Ensure that Apache is started
          service: name=apache2 state=started
  7. As our plays have gather_facts set to False (because the image we're using doesn't have the Python libraries expected to run Ansible out of the box, which would mean that the Ansible task that gathers facts about a running instance would immediately fail), we will launch a separate task in a new play that just populates the Ansible inventory of facts, knowing we installed the prerequisite Python 2 libraries in the preceding play. We need this information to populate the HAProxy configuration file later on:
    - name: Gathering facts about webservers
      hosts: webservers
      remote_user: ubuntu
      become: yes
        - name: Gathering facts
  8. We can now install and configure HAProxy. This gets applied to our haproxy group of hosts (of which there is only one server, named haproxy). As part of this play, we will reference a HAProxy configuration file template. We will create this in the next step.


    Ansible provides pre-defined, and extensively tested roles that can be used for the installation of software. The guide below is for example purposes only. In reality, you would utilize roles from

    Carry on building out this full-stack.yml playbook file with the following contents:

    - name: Configure HAProxy
      hosts: haproxy
      remote_user: ubuntu
      become: yes
      gather_facts: False
        - name: Set APT proxy
          raw: echo "Acquire::http::Proxy "";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf
        - name: 'install python2'
          raw: sudo apt-get -y install python-simplejson
        - name: Update apt cache
          apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
        - name: Install haproxy
          apt: name=haproxy state=present
        - name: Enable init script
          replace: dest='/etc/default/haproxy'
        - name: Update HAProxy config
          template: src=templates/haproxy.cfg.j2
            - restart haproxy
        - name: restart haproxy
          service: name=haproxy state=restarted
  9. Before we can continue executing our playbook, we need to create the HAProxy configuration template file as specified in the previous step. The configuration pointed to a template file named haproxy.cfg.j2 in the templates directory. Create this directory from the current working directory where you are editing the full-stack.yml file:
    mkdir templates/
    vi templates/haproxy.cfg.j2
  10. Populate the haproxy.cfg.j2 file with the following contents:
        log local0 notice
        maxconn 2000
        user haproxy
        group haproxy
        log  global
        mode  http
        option  httplog
        option  dontlognull
        retries 3
        option redispatch
        timeout connect  5000
        timeout client  10000
        timeout server  10000
    listen {{haproxy_app_name}}
        bind *:80
        mode {{haproxy_mode}}
        stats {{haproxy_enable_stats}}
        {% if haproxy_enable_stats == 'enable' %}
        stats uri /haproxy?stats
        stats realm Strictly Private
       {% endif %}
        balance {{haproxy_algorithm}}
        option httpclose
        option forwardfor
        {% for host in groups['webservers'] %}
        server {{ hostvars[host].inventory_hostname }} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_ipv4_addresses'][0] }} check
        {% endfor %}


    The server {{ hostvars[host]...check line is all on a single line.

  11. The templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 file also refers to some variables that we have not yet declared to Ansible, such as haproxy_app_name and haproxy_algorithm. These are in a group_var file specific to our haproxy group. To create this group variable file, we need to create a group_vars/haproxy directory, with a file called main.yml that lists these variables. From the same directory as our full-stack.yml file, carry out the following steps:
    mkdir -p group_vars/haproxy
    vi group_vars/haproxy/main.yml
  12. Populate the group_vars/haproxy/main.yml file with the following contents:
    haproxy_app_name: myapp
    haproxy_mode: http
    haproxy_enable_stats: enable
    haproxy_algorithm: roundrobin
  13. We are now ready to run our full-stack.yml playbook to create our environment similar to the one described by the Heat example. Execute the following commands:
    source openrc
    ansible-playbook full-stack.yml

    This will produce an output similar to the following. Due to this being a longer playbook, only the last part is shown:

    How to do it...

    We are also able to verify that these instances are running, and the addresses it has assigned by viewing an openstack server list output:

    How to do it...
  14. Finally, we can test our setup by visiting the HAProxy server floating IP address, as shown here. Here we can view the HAProxy stats:
    How to do it...

How it works...

What we did here was to methodically build out a playbook, called full-stack.yml, that carries out the following steps:

  • Download and install Ubuntu 16.04 image if necessary
  • Create our web server and ansible SSH security groups
  • Create a private tenant network, router and configure the router
  • Launch two web server instances and one HAProxy instance
  • For each web server, install Apache
  • For the HAProxy server, install HAProxy and configure the configuration file, auto-populated with information that Ansible knows about from launching the web servers (such as what IP address was assigned to each of them)

In this recipe, we introduced a few notable items: Ansible facts, the Jinja2 configuration template file (the haproxy.cfg.j2 file), and group_vars.

The Ansible facts and HAProxy group_var variables were used to populate the HAProxy configuration file called templates/haproxy.cfg.j2. This file mostly looks like a normal haproxy.cfg file, but has elements that are applicable to Jinja2, which Ansible interprets. Of particular interest is the haproxy.cfg file that has the load balance pool member lines, that ordinarily look like the following basic construct:

server webserver1 check
server webserver2 check

When we launch our instances into OpenStack, we have no idea what IP address they will be assigned, however Ansible does this with its fact gathering. If we take a look at the same line in our template, we get the following:

{% for host in groups['webservers'] %}
server {{ hostvars[host].inventory_hostname }} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_all_ipv4_addresses'][0] }} check
{% endfor %}

This line has some static text at the beginning and end, denoted by server and check. They're the same server and check text, as we can see in our final output.

The magic of the template and Ansible is what we can do with the loop that surrounds this line and hostvars we can access. The loop says:

For each of the hosts in the webservers group (recall that we registered the web server instances into this specific inventory group), get the value of hostvars[host].inventory_hostname and hostvars[host]['ansible_all_ipv4_addresses'][0](from the gathered facts). This last variable takes the first entry in the ansible_all_ipv4_addresses dict, which is our internal IP of our instance.

The result is the output shown on the previous page, which lists the web servers that HAProxy can access in the load balance pool.

We aren't restricted to the variables that Ansible has gathered. We have specified a group_var variable file that specifies the following:

haproxy_app_name: myapp
haproxy_mode: http
haproxy_enable_stats: enable
haproxy_algorithm: roundrobin

This is referenced directly in the template file in the following places. This allows us to add some static elements that are user-configurable, but allows us to maintain a flexible, environment agnostic set of playbooks.

listen {{haproxy_app_name}}
   bind *:80
   mode {{haproxy_mode}}
   stats {{haproxy_enable_stats}}
   {% if haproxy_enable_stats == 'enable' %}
   stats uri /haproxy?stats
   stats realm Strictly Private
   {% endif %}
   balance {{haproxy_algorithm}}
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