Protecting images

Like other OpenStack objects, images and snapshots are susceptible to accidental deletion by users. By default, images are unprotected, meaning they can be deleted at any time by a user within a project. The following sections explain how an image can be protected to ensure its survival.

Protecting an image

Images can be protected using the openstack image set command with the --protected argument.

Getting ready

When protecting an image, ensure that you are authenticated as an administrator or are the owner of the image. You will need the following details, at a minimum:

  • Image name or ID

For our examples, the following will be used:


How to do it…

With the OpenStack client installed on our system, we are now able to protect an image with the following command:

openstack image set COOKBOOK_UBUNTU_IMAGE --protected

No output is returned if the operation is successful. Use the openstack image show command to reveal the status of the image:

How to do it…

How it works...

When an image is protected in OpenStack, users are unable to delete the image. Attempting to delete a protected image results in an error similar to the following:

Failed to delete image with name or ID 'COOKBOOK_UBUNTU_IMAGE': 403 Forbidden: Image d120a923-5246-4dca-8f52-51a951bffce5 is protected and cannot be deleted. (HTTP 403)
Failed to delete 1 of 1 images.

Protecting an image is a useful step in ensuring that snapshots and other special images remain unharmed in a cloud shared by many users and projects.

Unprotecting an image

Images can be unprotected using the openstack image set command with the --unprotected argument.

Getting ready

When unprotecting an image, ensure that you are authenticated as an administrator or are the owner of the image. You will need the following details, at a minimum:

  • Image name or ID

For our examples, the following will be used:


How to do it…

With the OpenStack client installed on our system, we are now able to unprotect an image with the following command:

openstack image set COOKBOOK_UBUNTU_IMAGE --unprotected

No output is returned if the operation is successful. Use the openstack image show command to reveal the status of the image.

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