Updating network attributes

Network attributes can be updated using the openstack network set and openstack network unset commands.

Getting ready

When updating a network, ensure that you are authenticated as an administrator or are the owner of the network. You will need the following details:

  • Network name or ID
  • Attribute to update

For our example, the following will be used:

  • Attribute to update: router:external

How to do it…

With the OpenStack client installed on our system, we are now able to update the network with the following command:

openstack network set COOKBOOK_PROVIDER_NET --external

No output is returned.

How it works...

Networks are updated with the following syntax:

openstack network set NETWORK 
[--share | --no-share] 
[--description <description>] 
[--external | --internal] 

openstack network unset [--tag <tag> | --all-tag] NETWORK

The share and no-share parameters dictate whether the network can be shared among projects or is limited to the owner of the network.

The description parameter allows users to provide a useful description of the network.

When specified, the --external option qualifies a network as a gateway network for a router. The network will serve as a floating IP network for attached instances. Networks are considered internal by default.


Not all network plugins support updating certain network attributes for existing networks. If a change is required, the network may need to be deleted and recreated.

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