Snapshotting an instance

Snapshotting an instance will create a Glance image of the instance at the point in time the snapshot was taken. This image can then be used to deploy additional instances of a given application, or as a bootable backup of the instance.

Getting ready

In order to create a snapshot of an instance, you require the following information:

  • The openstack command-line client
  • The openrc file containing appropriate credentials
  • The name of the instance

How to do it…

The following commands are used to create an instance snapshot:

  1. First, we list the existing images with the following command:
    openstack image list -c Name -c Status

    This will bring back a list of images like the following:

    How to do it…
  2. Now list the running instances with the following command:
    openstack server list -c Name -c Status

    This gives an output like the following:

    How to do it…
  3. To create the snapshot, issue the following command (note the optional shell expansion command we're using to timestamp the name of the snapshot):
    openstack server image create
        --name cookbook.test_snapshot-$(date +"%FT%H%M%S")

    This brings an output like the following:

    How to do it…
  4. We can verify that the snapshot was created with the following command. Note that we limited the screenshot to just show our snapshotted image:
    openstack image list

    This gives an output that will show our snapshotted image:

    How to do it…

How it works…

Instance snapshots create a Glance image of the running instance. The snapshot can be used for backup, redistribution, or part of a continuous deployment pipeline as a build artifact. The images created with openstack server image create --name [snapshot_name] [instance] are bootable. You have a large degree of flexibility in how they are used.

There's more…

Instance snapshots are rather powerful. While a full exploration of the possibilities are beyond the scope of this book, the following example shows you what can be achieved using this feature: an easy way to back up all running instances.

To snapshot every instance, use the following command:

for instance in $(openstack server list -f value -c ID); do {
    openstack server image create 
      --name "${instance}"-$(date +"%FT%H%M%S") ${instance}
}; done


Warning: Snapshotting every instance is not recommended for larger environments. In addition to being time consuming, it can also consume a rather large amount of storage used by Glance, as snapshots are not sparsely created like those of the original QCOW2 image you may have used

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