Using OpenStack Dashboard with LBaaS

The OpenStack Dashboard has the ability to view, create and edit load balancers, add Virtual IPs (VIPs), and add nodes to be behind a load balancer. The dashboard also provides an interface for creating the HA Proxy server load balance service for our instances. We do this first by creating load balancing pool and then adding running instances to those pools.

In this section, we will use two instances running Apache. We will create a HTTP load balancing pool, create a VIP, and configure instances to be part of the pool. The result will be an ability to use the HTTP load balancer pool address to send traffic to two instances running Apache.

Getting ready

Load a web browser, point it to our OpenStack Dashboard address at, and log in as a user in the default domain, such as the developer user, created in the Common OpenStack identity tasks recipe in Chapter 2, The OpenStack Client with the cookbook4 password. The URL for our dashboard is same as the public load balancer IP as discussed in Chapter 1, Installing OpenStack with Ansible. If you need to find out at what URL your Horizon is, use public IP from the OpenStack catalog list as described in Chapter 3, Keystone – OpenStack Identity Service.

How to do it…

This recipe will walk you through creating and deleting load balancers using the OpenStack Dashboard:

Creating load balancer

To create a load balancer pool for a logged in user, carry out the following steps:

  1. To manage load balancers within our OpenStack Dashboard, select the Load Balancers tab, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating load balancer
  2. This will show available load balancer pools. Since we currently do not have any created, click on the Create Load Balancer button in the top right corner to add a load balancer.
  3. After clicking on the Create Load Balancer button, we will be presented with a modal window. Fill out the details to add a new load balancer:
    Creating load balancer
  4. The IP address is not required; if one is not provided, the system will select the next available IP on the subnet selected.
  5. Select a subnet for the pool by clicking on the drop-down menu. All of our instances are attached to the private network, so we select private-subnet.
  6. After clicking on the Next button, provide details for the load balancer's listener:
    Creating load balancer
  7. The HTTP and TCP protocols are available to us, so we will use HTTP. TERMINATED_HTTPS is available only with a configured key-manager service.
  8. Select a port on which the frontend listens. Multiple listeners can be configured on one load balancer, but each must have a unique port.
  9. After clicking on the Next button, provide pool details. We will use the ROUND_ROBIN load balancing method. Other algorithms include LEAST_CONNECTIONS and SOURCE_IP:
    Creating load balancer
  10. Click on the Next button to proceed to the Pool Members screen. Add members to the pool by clicking on the Add button next to the available instances:
    Creating load balancer


    If the instance is not listed under Available Instances, click on the Add external member button.

  11. After clicking on the Next button, we will be presented with the Monitor Details screen. Here we configure our health checks for pool members. We will use PING for monitor type. Other options available are HTTP and TCP.
  12. Set health check interval time in seconds, followed by the number of retries and the time after which the health check will timeout:
    Creating load balancer


    Each pool can have only one health monitor associated with it.

  13. Click on the Create Load Balancer button to create the load balancer with all the details entered. You will see a newly created load balancer in a list of all available load balancers.
    Creating load balancer

Deleting load balancer

To delete the load balancer, we will first delete attached health monitors, listeners and pools. In our example, we will show how to delete one of each, but if you have multiple pools, you will need to remove all pools, listeners, and health monitors before you are able to delete a load balancer.

  1. Start on a Load Balancers page and click on the load balancer name you wish to delete. In our example, the name is web-loadbalancer:
    Deleting load balancer
  2. From load balancer details page, click on the listener name. In our example, the listener is named test-lb:
    Deleting load balancer
  3. On the listener details page, click on Default Pool ID:
    Deleting load balancer

    The default pool ID is right under the admin state, and it is the first of the three IDs shown:

    Deleting load balancer
  4. Clicking on the pool ID brings us to the pool details page. Remove all pool members by clicking on the Add/Remove Pool Members button:
    Deleting load balancer
  5. This brings up a new screen for removing pool members. Remove all pool members from the pool by clicking on the Remove button next to each member:
    Deleting load balancer
  6. Click on the Add/Remove Pool Members button to save the changes:
    Deleting load balancer
  7. After deleting pool members, we will get back to the pool details page. We need to delete all health monitors in order to be able to delete the pool:
    Deleting load balancer
  8. Click on the Health Monitor ID to access the health monitor details:
    Deleting load balancer
  9. From the health monitor details page, click on the drop-down arrow next to the Edit button to reveal the Delete Health Monitor option. Click on the Delete Health Monitor option to delete the health monitor:
    Deleting load balancer
  10. This will give you a confirmation screen. Click on the Delete Health Monitor button to confirm:
    Deleting load balancer
  11. After deleting the health monitor, we get back to the pool screen. Click on the action arrow next to the Edit Pool button to reveal the Delete Pool option. Click on the Delete Pool option:
    Deleting load balancer
  12. You will be presented with a confirmation screen. Click on the Delete Pool button to confirm pool deletion:
    Deleting load balancer
  13. After deleting the pool, we are back on the listener details page. Click on the action arrow next to the Edit button to reveal the Delete Listener option. Click on the Delete Listener option to delete the listener:
    Deleting load balancer
  14. You will be presented with the confirmation screen; click on the Delete Listeners button to confirm listener deletion:
    Deleting load balancer
  15. After deleting the listener, we will be back on the load balancer details page. Click on the action arrow next to the Edit button to reveal the Delete Load Balancer option. Click on the Delete Load Balancer option to delete the load balancer:
    Deleting load balancer
  16. You will be presented with the confirmation screen. Click on the Delete Load Balancers button to delete the load balancer:
    Deleting load balancer

How it works…

We created a load balancer pool with a health monitor and added two instances to it. To do this, we executed the following steps:

  1. Creating a load balancer from the load balancer page.
  2. Selecting subnet to which all the nodes are attached when creating listener.
  3. Adding members to the listener.
  4. Adding a health monitor.

All the load balancer details can be edited after creation. Deleting a load balancer requires deletion of all the assets that were created: pool, listener, and health monitor.

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