Configuring Cinder volume services

In this recipe, we will use Openstack-Ansible to deploy the Cinder service. We assume that your environment has been deployed using the recipes described in Chapter 1, Installing OpenStack with Ansible.

Getting ready

To use Cinder volumes with LVM and iSCSI, you will need a host (or hosts) running Ubuntu 16.04. Additionally, you will need to ensure the volume hosts are manageable by your Openstack-Ansible deployment host.

The following is required:

  • An openrc file with appropriate credentials for the environment
  • Access to the openstack-ansible deployment host
  • A dedicated server to provide Cinder volumes to instances:
    • An LVM volume group, specifically named cinder-volumes
    • An IP address accessible from the deployment host

If you are using the lab environment that accompanies this book, cinder-volume is deployed to a host with the following details:

  • cinder-volume API service host IP:
  • cinder-volume service host IP: OpenStack management calls over and storage traffic over

How to do it...

To deploy the cinder-volume service, first we will create a YAML file to describe how to deploy Cinder. Then we will use openstack-ansible to deploy the appropriate services.

To configure a Cinder LVM host that runs the cinder-volume service, perform the following steps on the deployment host:

  1. First, edit the /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml file to add the following lines, noting that we are using both the address of the API and storage networks:
            limit_container_types: cinder_volume
              volume_group: cinder-volumes
              volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver
              volume_backend_name: LVM_iSCSI
              iscsi_ip_address: ""


    More nodes can be added to the storage-infra_hosts section to match your environment. Note that we refer to the storage_hosts and storage-infra_hosts IPs from the container network (172.29.236), and we will present the actual iSCSI volume to an instance over the storage network (172.29.244).

  2. Now edit the /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml file to contain the following lines. The defaults for an OpenStack-Ansible deployment are shown here; so edit to suit your environment if necessary:
    ## Cinder iscsi
    cinder_iscsi_helper: tgtadm
    cinder_iscsi_iotype: fileio
    cinder_iscsi_num_targets: 100
    cinder_iscsi_port: 3260
  3. When using LVM, as we are here, we must tell OpenStack-Ansible to not deploy the service onto a container (by setting is_metal: true). Ensure that the /etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/cinder.yml file has the following contents:
          is_metal: true
  4. As we are specifically choosing to install Cinder with the LVMVolumeDriver service as part of this example, we must ensure that the host (or hosts) that has been set as running the cinder-volume service, has a volume group created, named very specifically cinder-volumes, before we deploy Cinder. Carry out the following steps to create this important volume group. The following example simply assumes that there is an extra disk, at /dev/sdb, that we will use for this purpose:
    pvcreate /dev/sdb
    vgcreate cinder-volumes /dev/sdb

    This will bring back an output like the following:

    Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created
    Volume group "cinder-volumes" successfully created


    Tip: The creation of a cinder-volumes logical Volume Group (VG) is only required to be created because we are choosing the volume_driver type of cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver. Other backends are available to Cinder that do not require this step to be performed.

  5. We can now deploy our Cinder service with the openstack-ansible command:
    cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks
    openstack-ansible os-cinder-install.yml

    Note that the Ansible output has been omitted here. On success, Ansible will report that the installation has been successful or will present you information about which step failed.


    Did you use more than one storage-infra_hosts? These are the Cinder API servers. As these run behind a load balancer, ensure that you have updated your load balancer VIPs with the IP addresses of these new nodes. The Cinder service runs on port 8776. If you are running HAProxy that was installed using OpenStack-Ansible, you must also run the following command:

    openstack-ansible haproxy-install.yml
  6. Verify that the Cinder services are running with the following checks from an OpenStack client or one of the utility containers from one of the controller nodes, as shown here:
    lxc-attach --name $(lxc-ls -1 | grep util)
    source openrc
    cinder service-list

    This will give back an output like the following:

    How to do it...

How it works...

In order for us to use a host as a cinder-volume server, we first needed to ensure that the logical volume group (LVM VG) named cinder-volumes has been created.


Tip: You are able to rename the volume group to something other than cinder-volumes; however, there are very few reasons to do so. If you do require this, ensure that the volume_group: parameter in /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml matches your LVM Volume Group name that you create.

Once that has been done, we will configure our OpenStack-Ansible deployment to specify our cinder-volume server (as denoted by the storage_hosts section) and the servers that run the API service (as denoted by the storage-infra_hosts section). We will then use openstack-ansible to deploy the packages onto the controller hosts and our nominated Cinder volume server.

Note that if you are using multiple networks or VLAN segments, to configure your OpenStack-Ansible deployment accordingly. The storage network presented in this book should be used for this iSCSI traffic (that is to say, when a volume attaches to an instance), and it is separate from the container network that is reserved for API traffic and interservice traffic.

In our example, cinder-volume uses iSCSI as the mechanism for attaching a volume to an instance; openstack-ansible then installs the packages that are required to run iSCSI targets.

OpenStack-Ansible provides the additional benefit of deploying any changes required to support Cinder. This includes creating the service within Keystone and configuring Nova to support volume backends.

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