Chapter 5. Nova – OpenStack Compute

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to OpenStack Compute
  • Adding a compute host using OpenStack-Ansible
  • Suspending a host for maintenance
  • Configuring Nova Scheduler to use host aggregates
  • Creating a host aggregate
  • Adding a compute host to a host aggregate
  • Removing a compute host from a host aggregate
  • Adding metadata to a host aggregate
  • Deleting a host aggregate
  • Creating an Availability Zone
  • Booting an instance into an Availability Zone
  • Removing an Availability Zone
  • Creating a flavor
  • Deleting a flavor
  • Setting CPU limits for a flavor
  • Setting IOPS limits for a flavor
  • Booting an instance
  • Stopping an instance
  • Deleting an instance
  • Live migration
  • Snapshotting an instance
  • Booting an instance from a snapshot
  • Rescuing an instance
  • Shelving an instance
  • Reviewing the console logs

Introduction to OpenStack Compute

Compute services in OpenStack are provided by a project that goes by the name Nova. Nova is an API-driven system that manages physical and virtual compute resources in an OpenStack cloud, providing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). OpenStack operators, administrators, and users can leverage the Nova API to manage the life cycle of compute resources.

Nova is primarily responsible for managing two resource types: instances, which are the running virtual machines, application containers, or even full bare-metal machines a user has requested, and hosts, that provide the hardware resources required by instances. In most circumstances, instances are synonymous to virtual machines.

It is important to make a distinction between two main features of Nova: the Nova API service (and associated services such as the nova-scheduler, nova-conductor, and nova-placement), which runs on our cluster of three controller nodes, and the nova-compute service, which runs on each compute host in our environment.

In this chapter, we will first cover the administration of the physical host and Nova services, then the remainder of the chapter will take a task-centric approach to working with Nova. This means that the depth and detail on Nova features and functionality are beyond the scope of this book.

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