Using Ansible to orchestrate software installations across multiple instances

So far, we created playbooks that first launched an instance, and then we extended this in the previous recipe to subsequently install Apache onto the running instance. This recipe describes a playbook that can launch any number of instances, and install Apache onto each of those instances.

Getting ready

Ensure that you are logged on to a correctly configured OpenStack client and can access the OpenStack environment that has Ansible installed.

How to do it...

We will extend the previous recipe's playbook to add flexibility to include a variable number of instances.

  1. The basic structure was provided in the previous recipe, so the only play we need to adjust is the first one that launches the instances, called Launch instances on OpenStack. This complete play is shown as follows, where we introduce a variable called count, which we have set to 2, and we also introduce the with_sequence section, which forms our loop that will execute that task the specified number of count times. Note that we also include the count value as part of the instance name:
    - name: Launch instances on OpenStack
      hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
        count: 2
        - name: Create ansible security group
            state: present
            name: ansible
            verify: false
        - name: Create a rule to allow SSH connections
            security_group: ansible
            protocol: tcp
            port_range_min: 22
            port_range_max: 22
            verify: false
        - name: Create webserver security group
            state: present
            name: webserver
            verify: false
        - name: Create a rule to allow http connections
            security_group: webserver
            protocol: tcp
            port_range_min: 80
            port_range_max: 80
            verify: false
        - name: Deploy an instance
            state: present
            name: cookbook{{ item }}
            image: xenial-image
            key_name: demokey
            timeout: 200
            flavor: m1.tiny
            network: private-net
            verify: false
        register: nova_cookbook
            count={{ count }}
        - name: Add instance to Inventory
          add_host: name="{{ }}" groups=webservers
             	ansible_ssh_host="{{ item.server.accessIPv4 }}"
        with_items: "{{ nova_cookbook.results }}"
  2. The next set of plays copy what was described in the previous recipe, such as waiting for the instance's SSH to be available and subsequently installing Apache, and is shown here for completeness:
    - name: Wait for port 22 to be ready
      hosts: webservers
      gather_facts: False
        - local_action: wait_for port=22 host="{{ ansible_ssh_host }}"  search_regex=OpenSSH delay=10
    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: ubuntu
      become: yes
      gather_facts: no


    The pre_tasks: section is optional. Your use will vary on any implicit restrictions imposed on the image or environment you are using. This was described in the previous recipe on its use here:

        - name: Set APT proxy
          raw: echo "Acquire::http::Proxy "";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf
        - name: 'install python2'
          raw: sudo apt-get -y install python-simplejson
        - name: Ensure Apache is installed
          apt: name=apache2 state=latest
        - name: Ensure that Apache is started
          service: name=apache2 state=started
  3. Assuming the file that you have created is called multi-orchestrate-instances.yml, you execute this with the following:
    source openrc
    ansible-playbook multi-orchestrate-instances.yml

    This will bring back an output like the following. This produces more output than the other plays so far, so only the last part is shown:

    How to do it...

How it works...

We have included a few extra items in this playbook that extends the previous playbook that installs Apache to a newly launched instance. These are described here:

   count: 2

We introduce a variable called count, to which we assign the value 2. This variable is limited to the scope of this particular play (named Launch instances on OpenStack). This variable is used to form a loop, as indicated by this attribute assigned to the os_server call:

          count={{ count }}

This basically states: run the os_server module task when count = 1, and when count = 2. As we are in a sequence, we have access to the value of count, in a variable called item. We use this to append to the name variable of the instance allowing us to end up with cookbook1 and cookbook2 with the following syntax:

name: cookbook{{ item }}
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