7.5 mikroC Pro for PIC Bitmap Editor

mikroC Pro for PIC provides a tool for converting a bitmap image to a format, which can be displayed on the GLCD screen using the Glcd_Image function described earlier. This tool is accessed by clicking Tools -> GLCD Bitmap Editor from the drop-down menu. The user can choose between three different types of GLCD controllers. You should choose the default KS0108 controller from the tabs at the top of the screen. The GLCD size will automatically be set to 128 × 64 pixels. Choose the compiler as mikroC Pro for PIC from the bottom right-hand corner of the display. Click button Load BMP to load the bitmap image you prepared earlier to the program. The image should be displayed on the mikroC Pro for PICGLCD screen. In this example, we have chosen the Bank image provided by the compiler as a demo. As shown in Figure 7.7, the mikroC Pro for PIC code to be used to load to the GLCD is automatically created at the bottom of the display.

Figure 7.7 ThemikroC Pro for PIC Bitmap Editor


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