Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


Accents, 223

Accident, 198

Acknowledgments, 217–218, 224

Action file, 110

Adams, Scott, 258

Add value to every interaction, 269–270

Addictions, 6–7

Address things on the spot, 21–25

Admiration, 149

Advice/criticism, 213–214

AlAnon, 7

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 7, 129

Allen, David, 110

Alternative careers, 154–155

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 294

American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), 297

Anger and resentment, 125, 126

Answering machine, 202

Apologize, 123–124, 125

Appearance/attire, 229–231, 48

Aristotle, 255

Art of Living, The (Maurois), 134

Artist’s date, 120

Artist’s Way, The (Cameron), 120

Ask for what you really want, 130–133

Asking for a raise, 76–77

Assist U, 295

Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP), 297

Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), 297

Attention span, 201

Attract whatever you want. See Effortless success

Attraction and action, 186

Automatic investments, 84

Automatic monthly direct debit, 83

Babauta, Leo, 186

Bach, Richard, 167

Backlog, 41

Backup of computer files, 92

Bailey, Pearl, 156

Baldwin, James, 61

Ball, Lucille, 176

Balzac, Honore de, 136

Banish adrenaline burnout, 250–252

Banish negative thoughts, 260–262

Bankhead, Tallulah, 6

Bath, 251–252

Be present in the moment, 276

Beatles (rock group), 176

Beauty and luxury, 242–244

Bedroom, 232

Begley, Sharon, 281

Being sensitive, 23

Ben & Jerry’s, 269–270


   Luke 16:11, 70

   Matthew 5:1, 130

Bierce, Ambrose, 250

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, 295

Big goal, 186

Bill payment, 48

Billionaire game, 64–66

Birbaumer, Niels, 281

Bite your tongue, 213–214

Body image, 234–235

Bombing of World Trade Center (1993), 272

Book club, 139–140

Boswell, James, 210

Boundaries, 15–16, 19, 20, 24

Bourget, Paul, 40

Brando, Marlon, 235

Brecht, Bertolt, 89

Broken or damaged things, 46

Broken record technique, 55

Brookner, Anita, 245

Brown, Rita Mae, 53

Browning, Robert, 256

Buddha, 93, 147

Buffett, Warren, 159

Business of Life, The (Feather), 178

Calvino, Italo, 208

Cameron, Julia, 120

Campbell, Jeff, 102

Career Change Kit, 157, 177, 296

Career choice/development, 147–173. See also Work performance

   alternative careers, 154–155

   do what you love, 159–161

   ideal life, 148–151

   intuition, 164–166

   perspective, 169–170

   purpose in life, 167–168

   sabbatical, 171–173

   special project, 162–163

   unique talent, 156–158

   values, 152–153

Cash reserve, 79–80

Cast plenty of pebbles, 266–267

Celebrate your success, 279–280

Chanel, Coco, 59

Change mode, 191

Chesterfield flooding disaster, 28

Chesterton, G. K., 275

Chronic “yes” client, 53, 54

Chrystos, 120

Churchill, Winston, 279

Cicero, 236

Clean up your act, 33–58

   clutter, 36–39

   feng shui, 45–46

   find a place for everything, 43–44

   hire help, 51–52

   housekeeper, 49–50

   organization, 40–42

   perfect the present, 34–35

   say “no,” 53–56

   simplify your life, 47–48

   upgrade your network, 57–58

Clear your desk, 40–42

Close friends and family, 134–135

Clutter, 36–39, 43–44

Coach Yourself to a New Career (Miedaner), 115, 153


   finding a coach, 287–289

   how coachable are you?, 285

   how to become a coach, 291, 291

Coaching principle, 122

CoachU, 86, 291

Codependents Anonymous (CoDA), 7

Coffee, 6–7

Comments of Bagshot, The (Spender), 113

Communication, 203–225

   accept graciously, 219–220

   bite your tongue, 213–214

   complaining, 210–212

   convert compliments to acknowledgments, 217–218

   convert questions to statements, 224

   don’t spill your guts, 206–207

   80/20 rule, 208

   encouragement, 215–216

   four-step communication model, 17–20

   giving advice/criticism, 213–214

   gossip, 204–205

   “I” statements, 224

   listening, 208–209. 223

   say it like it is, but gently, 215–216

   speak and be heard, 223–225

   stop trying to change people, 221–222

   voice quality, 223

Community of friends, 138–140

Complaining, 210–212

Complete work, 111–112

Compliments, 217–218, 219, 224

Confidence, 133, 294

Core values, 153, 158

Couch potato, 240, 241

Crawford, Cindy, 234

Create some space. See Clean up your act

Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui (Kingston), 43

Creative procrastination, 117

Credit counseling service, 72

Criticism, 213–214

Cross, Amanda, 198

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 97

Curie, Marie, 182

Curiosity, 247–248

Cut flowers, 243–244

Cutting your expenses, 67–75

Daily habits, 8–11

Daily pleasures, 8–11

Date your spouse, 136–137

Davis, Angela, 49

Day of rest, 250–251

De Waal, Esther, 73

Debt, 70–72

Debt Management Program, 72

Declutter your life, 36–39, 43–44

Delegating, 50–52, 114, 178–179

Derogatory jokes and comments, 16, 21

Detach yourself from the outcome, 263–265

Direct debit of monthly bills, 48

Disability insurance, 90–91

“Do it now!”, 109–110

Do one thing at a time, 106–108

Do something different, 191

Do the job in half the time, 102–103

Dominguez, Joe, 85

Don’t spill your guts, 206–207

Downsizing, 87

Dress the part, 229–231

Eating disorder, 231

eBay, 294

Effortless success, 255–283

   ace up your sleeve, 263–265

   add value to every interaction, 269–270

   banish negative thoughts, 260–262

   cast plenty of pebbles, 266–267

   celebrate your success, 279–280

   change your thinking, 256–257

   detach yourself from the outcome, 263–265

   fear, 271–274

   gratefulness, 267–268

   having it all is only the beginning, 277–278

   play more, 275–276

   power of thought, 281–282

   risks, 273–274

   write it down 15 times a day, 258–259

80/20 rule

   communication, 208

   work performance, 175, 295

Eliot, T. S., 34

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 203

Emotional index quiz, 68, 69, 128, 129

Emotional needs, 67, 68, 73, 127–133

Encouragement, 215–216

Energize your life. See Natural power

Energy drains, 6–7

Energy level, 227

Engels, Friedrich, 266

Enhancing value of your services, 269

Enjoyment, 265, 275. See also Joy filter

Entropy, 192

Executive coaching, 155

Exercise/physical activity, 239–241

Exotic fresh fruit, 9

Expense reduction (cutting expenses), 67–75

Family/close friends, 134–135

Fear, 118, 194, 271–274

Feather, William, 178

Feng shui, 45–46

Feng Shui Guild, 294

Financial freedom, 59, 60, 81, 82

Financial independence, 81, 84, 85–88

Financial management. See Money management

Financial reserve, 79–80

Find a place for everything, 43–44

Flow of life/”flow activities,” 159, 275

Flowers, 243–244

Focus on the positive, 260–262

Forbes, Malcolm, 67, 76

Force of habit, 191

Ford, Henry, 189, 269

Forgive yourself first, 122–123

Forgiveness, 125–126

Four-step communication model, 17–20

Francis, Brendan, 154

“Free” day, 250–251

Friendship. See Relationships

Fuller, Margaret, 152

Fun things to do, 253–254

Gandhi, Mahatma, 125, 162

Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rebelais), 227

Gates, Bill, 176

Gawain, Shakti, 165

Get-rich-quick schemes, 67, 87

Get unstuck, 191–193

Get your work done in half the time, 102–103

Getting away from it all, 169–173

Getting Things Done (Allen), 110

Gide, André, 215

Gift giving, 143–144

Go directly for what you want, 195

Goal setting

   big goal, 186

   clear and positive goals, 185

   dangers, 1–2

   failing to reach your goal, 194–195

   going goal-less, 183–185

   “should” goal, 12, 14

   too many goals at one time, 186

Going with the flow, 159

Gold star method, 9

Good things/experience their opposites, 27

Goodwill (charitable organization), 294

Gossip, 204–205

“Gotta have it now” culture, 70

Graciously accepting, 219–220

Graham, Martha, 1

Gratefulness, 267–268

Gratitude, 146

Green, Kate, 104

Greyston Bakery, 269–270

Grudges, 125–126

Gustafson, Carolyn, 230

Gut feelings, 164–166

Habits, 8–11

Hansberry, Lorraine, 187

Have fun, 253–254

Having it all is only the beginning, 277–278

Head-in-the-sand approach, 115

Healthy meals, 231

Herford, Oliver, 277

High-flow activities, 97

Highlight your accomplishments (to-do-list), 182–183

Hill, Napoleon, 281

Hire help, 51–52

Hoffer, Eric, 247

Home environment, 232–233

Homeowner’s insurance, 89

House of Gold, The (Jarrett), 171

Housekeeper, 49–50

How Not to Stay Single (Tucker), 195, 267

How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously (Mundis), 70

Howe, E. W., 175

Hubbard, Elbert, 253

Huerta, Dolores, 122

Hughes, Thomas, 30

“I” statements, 224

“I am” statements, 258

Ideal client profile, 80

Ideal day, 151

Ideal life, 148–151

Ideal morning/day, 31–32

Ideal week, 151

Image consultant, 229, 231

“In Pursuit of Affluence, at a High Price” (Kohn), 73

Increase your income, 76–78

Indexed mutual fund, 87

Inertia, 191, 239–240

Informing and requesting, 17

Innate abilities, 177

Institute of Certified Financial Planners (ICFP), 294

Instructions, 224

Insurance, 89–91

Interrupting, 223

Intuition, 164–166, 236

Inventory of your valuable possessions, 91

Invest in yourself, 247–249

Irresistible Attraction: A Way of Life, 86, 187

Jack of all trades/master of none, 176–177

Jarrett, Bede, 171

Johnson, Samuel, 21, 45

Jordan, Michael, 159

Joy filter, 37, 43, 44. See also Enjoyment

Just go out and do it, 189–190

Kamphuis, Joern, 259

Keller, Helen, 111, 167

Kelly, Jack and Marcia, 169

Kerr, Jean, 229

Khan, Hazrat Inayat, 217

Kingston, Karen, 43

Kitselman, A. L., 258

Know-it-alls, 248

Kohn, Alfie, 73

Kondo, Marie, 36–38

Laddering, 10

Lardner, Ring, 201

Latin American countries, 101

Lau-Tzu, 223

Lean Start-Up (Ries), 192

Lebowitz, Fran, 208

Leonard, George, 195

Leonard, Thomas, 86

“Less is more” principle, 175

Let things come to you naturally, 184

Life-Changing Magic of Tidying, The (Kondo), 36, 37

Life coaching, 155

Life insurance, 89–90

Life of Samuel Johnson, The, 210

Life purpose, 167–168

   accredited life coach program, 291

   “Boundaries,” 20

   “Clear Your Desk!”, 42

   contact us, 289

   emotional index quiz, 69, 289

   Irresistible Attraction: A Way of Life, 86, 187

   services offered, 288

   single-taskers v. multitaskers, 107

Listening, 208–209. 223

Lists, 182–186

Living in the Light (Gawain), 165

Lloyd George, David, 194

Loose ends, 112

Lottery winners, 67

Louis XVIII, 100

Love people just the way they are, 222

Love yourself, 279

Luce, Clare Boothe, 27

Luke 16:11, 70

Luxury, 242–244

Lynch, Peter, 104

Make amends, 122–124

Malkiel, Burton G., 89, 90

Marsden, O. S., 219

Massage, 236–238

Mastermind group, 141–142

Mastery, 176, 195

Mastery (Leonard), 195

Matthew 5:1, 130

Maugham, W. Somerset, 234, 242

Maurois, André, 134

McWilliams, Peter, 262

Meal preparation and delivery services, 231

Meditation, 187

Mencius, 15

Miedaner, Talane

   billionaire game, 65–66

   bombing of World Trade Center (1993), 272

   boundaries (bank manager), 24–25

   chintz pillows, 232

   cleaning frenzy, 250

   cleaning the house, 50

   Coach Yourself to a New Career, 115, 153

   craving greenery and plants, 244

   credit cards, 70

   debt/money lesson, 34

   earaches (five-year-old), 27

   email address, 283

   first-grade story, 19

   foot massages, 131

   front tooth turned brown, 234

   gossip, 204

   habits, 9

   having her hair stroked, 132–133

   having it all is only the beginning, 277–278

   house-sitting, 164–165

   housekeeper, 49

   ideal life, 149–150

   ideal morning, 32

   international speaking career, 152–153 See

   mastermind group, 141–142

   “meditation,” 187

   mountain biking, 260

   “Neat Street,” 162–163, 245

   office desk, 45

   online coaching programs, 168

   pottery, 275–276

   publishing Coach Yourself to Success, 263

   Reiki massage, 236

   sacred evening, 120

   savings goal, 79

   Secret Law of Attraction, 129, 195

   sense of purpose, 147

   simplicity and peace, 168

   storage space, 35

   strong sense that I need to do something, 187

   thank-you notes, 145

   wardrobe, 37

   weekly date night (with husband), 120

   wrote Coach Yourself to Success while in bath, 252

   yoga ranch, 169

Miller, Henry, 27

Milton, John, 260

Minor changes, 191–193, 48

Mirror, 46

Molecules of Emotion, The (Pert), 165

Momentum, 240

Monasteries, 169

Money beliefs, 61–63

Money diet, 73–75

Money drains, 67–69

Money Magnetism (Walters), 121

Money management, 59–92

   asking for a raise, 76–77

   bill payment, 48

   billionaire game, 64–66

   cash reserve, 79–80

   common expressions, 62

   cutting your expenses, 67–75

   debt, 70–72

   fill-in-the-blank questions, 61

   financial independence game, 85–88

   increase your income, 76–78

   insurance, 89–91

   money beliefs, 61–63

   money diet, 73–75

   money drains, 67–69

   protect your stuff, 89–92

   reserve account, 79–80

   saving, 81–84

   spend less/earn more, 59

   spending fast, 73–75

Montagu, Mary Wortley, 213

Moonlighting, 78

Multitasking, 106–108

Mundis, Jerrold, 70

Murphy’s Law, 89, 92, 200

Naisbitt, John, 236

National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), 294

National salary averages, 76

Natural disasters, 28–29

Natural power, 1–32

   address things on the spot, 21–25

   boundaries, 15–16

   energy drains, 6–7

   four-step communication model, 17–20

   habits, 8–11

   petty annoyances, 3–5

   positive attitude, 27–29

   protect yourself gracefully, 17–20

   “shoulds,” 12–14

   standards, 26

   things to look forward to, 30–32

   underlying foundation, 1

   where to start, 1

Natural talents and abilities, 156–158

Nature, 170

“Neat Street,” 162–163, 245

Needs, 127–133

Needy relationships, 6

Negative goals, 185

Negative thoughts, 166, 258, 260–262, 282

Nest egg, 83

Net worth, 83

Neural pathways, 157

Neutral tone of voice, 18, 23, 25, 126

New Year’s resolutions, 14

News, 272, 273

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 148, 221

Nin, Anaïs, 26, 271

“Not enough” conversation, 34

OA (Overeaters Anonymous), 7

O’Casey, Sean, 79

Off-load the stuff you don’t enjoy, 177, 178–179

Office space, 232, 243

Olson, Jeff, 192

On Doing What One Likes (Waugh), 93, 297

Online content. See

Optimal experience, 97

Optimism, 27–29

Organization, 40–42

Overdeliver, 180

Overeaters Anonymous (OA), 7

Overresponding, 200

Overweight, 235

Ovid, 266

“Pamper me” thing, 9

Paperwork, 40

Paradise Lost (Milton), 260

Parents, 134–135

Parker, Dorothy, 143

Parkinson, C. Northcote, 102

Parkinson’s Law, 102

Part-time job, 78

Passport, 91

Path of least resistance, 160

Pay yourself first, 83

Paying cash, 82

Peak experiences, 153

Perfect the present, 34–35

Performance review, 77

Personal and emotional needs, 127–133

Personal improvement, 227–254

   banish adrenaline burnout, 250–252

   bath, 251–252

   beauty and luxury, 242–244

   body image, 234–235

   dress the part, 229–231

   energy level, 227

   exercise/physical activity, 239–241

   “free” day, 250–251

   fun things to do, 253–254

   home environment, 232–233

   invest in yourself, 247–249

   massage, 236–238

   office space, 232

   pesky imperfections, 234–235

   prudence, 227

   put yourself first, 245–247

   rejuvenate and revitalize, 232–233

   training and development, 247–249

Personal trainer, 10, 239

Perspective, 169–170

Pert, Candace B., 165

Pesky imperfections, 234–235

Petty annoyances, 3–5

Phinney, Davis, 237

Physical activity/exercise, 239–241

Plateauing, 195

Play more, 275–276

Pleasurable habits, 8–11

Positive attitude, 27–29

Power nap, 187–188

Power of Less, The (Babauta), 186

Power of thought, 281–282

Procrastination, 113–118

   can’t find the time, 116

   do it now!, 109–110

   do one small piece at a time, 116–117

   don’t know how, 115–116

   don’t like the task, 113–115

   fear, 118

   need time to mull things over, 117–118

   unpleasant tasks first, 117

   wealth destroyer, 84

   wrong goal/wrong strategy, 116

Professional image consultant, 229, 231

“Project,” 186

Protect your stuff, 89–92

Protect yourself gracefully, 17–20

Psychology of Optimal Experience, The (Csikszentmihalyi), 97

Punctuality, 100–101

Purpose in life, 167–168

Put yourself first, 245–247

Quality of life. See Personal improvement

Quayle, Dan, 33

Questions, 224

Rabelais, Françoise, 227

Radical change, 194–197

Rancor or resentment, 126

Random Walk Down Wall Street, A (Malkiel), 89

“Reading” folder, 104

Reiki massage, 236

Rejuvenate and revitalize, 232–233

Relationships, 121–146

   ask for what you really want, 130–133

   communication. See Communication

   community of friends, 138–140

   date your spouse, 136–137

   do complete work, 112

   don’t divulge intimate details too soon, 207

   emotional needs, 127–129

   family/close friends, 134–135

   forgiveness, 125–126

   gift giving, 143–144

   make amends, 122–124

   mastermind group, 141–142

   thank-you notes, 145–146

   upgrade your network, 57–58

   you can’t force someone to like you, 267

Relaxation, 252

Renter’s insurance, 89

Reserve account, 79–80

Reserve of time, 100–101

Resources (books, websites, etc.), 293–298

Responding immediately, 109

Retreat from your life, 169–170

Revocable living trust, 90

Ries, Eric, 192

Ripple effect, 245

Risks, 273–274

Robin, Vicki, 85

Rogers, Will, 232

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 17

Roseanne (TV), 141

Rude remarks, 22

Russian athletes, 237

Ryan, Richard, 73

Sabbath, 250–251

Sabbatical, 171–173

Sabotaging yourself, 255

Sacred evening, 119–120

Safe-deposit box, 91

Salary comparisons, 76

Salary increases, 76–77

Salvation Army, 294

Sanctuaries: The Complete United States: A Guide to Lodgings in Monasteries, Abbeys, and Retreats (Kelly/Kelly), 169

Saving, 81–84

Say no, 53–56

Schaef, Anne Wilson, 164

Scrapbook, 149

Secret Law of Attraction, The (Miedaner), 129, 195

Self-confidence, 21

Self-employment, 77–78

Self-evaluation, 77

Self-improvement. See Personal improvement

Selfishness, 245–247

Setting goals. See Goal setting

Setting up systems, 40

Shop online, 48

“Shoulds,” 12–14

Simplify your life, 47–48

Simplify Your Life (St. James), 47

Single-taskers v. multitaskers, 107

Sitting and thinking, 188

Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success, The (Olson), 192

Small changes, 191–193

Smith, Betty, 51

Smith, Manuel J., 55

Sockman, Ralph W., 8

Socrates, 263

Sod’s Law, 89

“Some day” projects, 43

Spanx undergarments, 168

Special project, 162–163

Special talent, 156–158

Speed Cleaning (Campbell), 102

Spender, J. A., 113

Spending fast, 73–75

Spending log, 69, 93

Spontaneous gift giving, 143

St. James, Elaine, 47

Standards, 26

Statements, 224

Stein, Gertrude, 81

Sting (rock singer), 138

Stinginess, 246

Stop trying to change people, 221–222

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 3

Streisand, Barbara, 235

Strengthen your strengths, 176–177

Struggling, 189

Subtle messages, 198–200

Support systems, 51

Support team/mastermind group, 141–142

Supportive community/group, 138–140

Tabloid papers, 6

Tai chi, 14

Take the pressure off, 263–267

Taking care of your best asset. See Personal improvement

Tax-deferred investments, 82

Telephone, 201–202

Television viewing, 6, 97–99

Term insurance, 89–90

Thank-you notes, 145–146, 268

Theme for month (year), 168

Things to look forward to, 30–32

Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 281

“Think tanks,” 188

“Thinking Will Make It So” (Begley), 281

Thoreau, Henry David, 47, 57

Thought translation device, 281

Thoughts, 281, 282

Time log, 94–96

Time management, 93–120

   do complete work, 111–112

   “do it now!”, 109–110

   do one thing at a time, 106–108

   do the job in half the time, 102–103

   multitasking, 106–108

   oxymoron, 105

   procrastination, 113–118. See also Procrastination

   punctuality, 100–101

   questions to ask, 104

   sacred evening, 119–120

   time log, 94–96

   today’s “musts,” 104–105

   track your time, 94–96

   TV viewing, 97–99

   two-minute rule, 110

To-do list, 182–183

Today’s “musts,” 104–105

Tom Brown’s School Days (Hughes), 30

Tone of voice, 17–18

Touching, 238

Track your time, 94–96

TRAF method, 41

Training and development, 247–249

Trying, 189

Tucker, Nita, 195, 267

Tucker, Sophie, 85

Turning off the TV, 78, 97–99

TV viewing, 97–99

12-step programs, 7

Two-minute rule, 110

Unclutter your life, 36–39, 43–44

Underpromise and overdeliver, 101, 180–181

Unique talents and abilities, 156–158

Universal life insurance, 89

Unmet emotional needs, 67, 68, 127–129

Unsolicited advice, 213–214

Unsolicited criticism, 16

Upgrade your network, 57–58. See also Relationships

Vacuum, 33

Valuable documents, 91, 92

Values, 152–153

Van Buren, Abigail, 204

Variable life insurance, 89

Vauvenargues, Marquis de, 180

Voice mail, 202, 243

Voice quality, 223

Voltaire, 34

Volunteering, 55–56

Walking, 9, 10–11

Wall calendar, 54

Walters, Donald J., 121

Watching television, 97–99

Waugh, Alec, 93

Weekend (weeklong) retreat, 169–170

Weight loss

   caffeine, 6

   negative goal, 185

   sugar, 7

Weight problem, 235

West, Mae, 109

“What Is Important About Today?” question, 104

What you focus on expands, 260, 268

When I Say No, I Feel Guilty (Smith), 55

Whole life insurance, 89

Wilde, Oscar, 12, 159

Will, 90

“Willingness-to-have” muscle, 255

Willingness to learn, 247–249

Winfrey, Oprah, 235, 239

Winn, Marie, 97

Wonder woman mentality, 51

Woods, Tiger, 176

Work performance, 175–202. See also Career choice/development

   delegating, 178–179

   do or do not, 189–190

   80/20 rule, 175

   get unstuck, 191–193

   goals, 183–186

   jack of all trades/master of none, 176–177

   just go out and do it, 189–190

   lists, 182–186

   power nap, 187–188

   radical change, 194–197

   small changes, 191–193

   strengthen your strengths, 176–177

   subtle messages, 198–200

   telephone, 201–202

   to-do list, 182–183

   underpromise and overdeliver, 180–181

Write it down 15 times a day, 258–259

Writings (Thoreau), 57

Yelling, 16, 17

“Yes” habit, 53, 54

Yezierska, Anzia, 169

You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought (McWilliams), 262

Your Money or Your Life (Dominguez/Robin), 85

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