Performance-Based Question

On the A+ exams, you will encounter performance-based questions. The questions on the exam require you to perform a specific task, and you will be graded on whether you were able to complete the task. The following require you to think creatively to measure how well you understand this chapter’s topics. You may or may not see similar questions on the actual A+ exams. To see how your answers compare to the authors’, refer to Appendix B.

You have been sent to a client’s Windows 7 workstation with specific directions to follow. They are using only IPv4 and they are to use DHCP for their normal configuration information. In the event that the DHCP server is not accessible, however, APIPA should not be used. An alternate configuration needs to be assigned with the following values:

IP address:

Subnet mask:

Default gateway:

How would you configure this?

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