Exam Essentials

Be able to compare and contrast the main categories of display technology. Although video display units all have roughly the same purpose—to display images created by the computer and rendered by the graphics adapter—CRTs, LCDs, LEDs, plasmas, OLEDs, and projectors go about the task in slightly different ways.
Be familiar with the key terms and concepts of display units. Make sure you can differentiate among terms such as resolution, refresh rate, and brightness, and be familiar with terms used in other settings that might be found on the monitor or in the operating system.
Understand key concepts behind LCD and other flat-panel technology. You need to be familiar with active and passive matrix; resolution standards, such as XGA and UXGA; and terms such as contrast ratio and native resolution.
Familiarize yourself with the steps that must be taken to configure display settings in Windows. Most of the settings based on the operating system are found in roughly the same place. However, nuances found in the details of configuring these settings make it important for you to familiarize yourself with the specific configuration procedures.

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