Review Questions

The answers to the Chapter Review Questions can be found in Appendix A.

1. A computer is experiencing random reboots and phantom problems that disappear after reboot. What should you do?

A. Replace the motherboard.

B. Boot clean.

C. Replace the power supply.

D. Open the cover, clean the inside of the computer, and reseat all cards and chips.

2. Which of the following is used to properly discharge voltage from an unplugged computer monitor?

A. Antistatic wrist strap

B. Screwdriver

C. High-voltage probe

D. Power cord

3. Which of the following must contain information about a chemical solvent’s emergency cleanup procedures?



C. Product label


4. You are purchasing, for home use, an inkjet printer cartridge that you know has an MSDS. How do you obtain the MSDS for this product?

A. The store is required to give you one at the time of purchase.

B. It’s contained in the packaging of the printer cartridge.

C. You are not legally allowed to have an MSDS for this product.

D. Visit the website of the printer cartridge manufacturer.

5. In the interest of a safe work environment, which of the following should you report? (Choose two.)

A. An accident

B. A near-accident

C. Dirt on the floor inside a building

D. Rain forecasted for a work day

6. What is the approximate minimum level of static charge for humans to feel a shock?

A. 300 volts

B. 3,000 volts

C. 30,000 volts

D. 300,000 volts

7. Which of the following measures can be implemented to reduce the risk of ESD? (Choose two.)

A. Antistatic wrist strap

B. Antistatic bag

C. Antistatic hair net

D. Shuffling your feet

8. Which of the following are OSHA requirements for a safe work environment that must be followed by employers? (Choose two.)

A. Attend yearly OSHA safe work environment seminars.

B. Provide properly maintained tools and equipment.

C. Have an OSHA employee stationed within 5 miles of the facility.

D. Display an OSHA poster in a prominent location.

9. What is the proper way to dispose of a broken CRT monitor?

A. Take it to a computer recycling center.

B. Discharge it with a high-volt probe and throw it away.

C. Remove the glass screen and throw it away.

D. Cut off the power cord and throw the monitor away.

10. When moving computer equipment, which of the following are good procedures to follow? (Choose two.)

A. Lift by bending over at the waist.

B. Carry monitors with the glass face away from your body.

C. Use a cart for heavy objects.

D. Ensure that there are no safety hazards in your path.

11. You have four AA alkaline batteries that you just removed from a remote-control device. What is the recommended way to dispose of these batteries?

A. Throw them in the trash.

B. Incinerate them.

C. Take them to a recycling center.

D. Flush them down the toilet.

12. You have discovered prohibited material on a user’s laptop computer. What two things should you do first? (Choose two.)

A. Destroy the prohibited material.

B. Confiscate and preserve the prohibited material.

C. Confront the user about the material.

D. Report the prohibited material through the proper channels.

13. While working on a user’s system, you discover a sticky note attached to the bottom of the keyboard that has their username and password written on it. The user is not around, and you need to verify that the network connection is working. What should you do?

A. Log in, verify access, and log out.

B. Log in and stay logged in when you are finished.

C. Page the user.

D. Log in and change the user’s password.

14. You promised a customer that you would be out to service their problem before the end of the day but have been tied up at another site. As it now becomes apparent that you will not be able to make it, what should you do?

A. Arrive first thing in the morning.

B. Wait until after hours and then leave a message that you were there.

C. Call the customer and inform them of the situation.

D. Send an e-mail letting them know you will be late.

15. A customer is trying to explain a problem with their system. Unfortunately, the customer has such a thick accent that you are unable to understand what the problem is. What should you do?

A. Just start working on the system and looking for obvious errors.

B. Call your supervisor.

C. Ask that another technician be sent in your place.

D. Apologize and find another user or manager who can help you translate.

16. You have been trying to troubleshoot a user’s system all day when it suddenly becomes clear that the data is irretrievably lost. Upon informing the customer of this, he becomes so angry that he shoves you against a wall. What should you do?

A. Shove the user back, only a little harder than he shoved you.

B. Shove the user back, only a little easier than he shoved you.

C. Try to calm the user down, and leave the site if you cannot.

D. Yell for everyone in the area to come quickly.

17. A customer tells you that the last technician who was there spent three hours on the phone making personal calls. What should you do with this information?

A. Nothing.

B. Inform your manager.

C. Talk to the technician personally.

D. Ask the customer to prove it.

18. You arrive at the site of a failed server to find the vice president nervously pacing and worrying about lost data. What should you do?

A. Offer a joke to lighten things up.

B. Downplay the situation and tell him that customers lose data every day.

C. Keep your head down and keep looking at manuals to let him know you are serious.

D. Inform him that you’ve dealt with similar situations and will let him know what needs to be done as soon as possible.

19. You’re temporarily filling in on phone support when a caller tells you that he is sick and tired of being bounced from one hold queue to another. He wants his problem fixed, and he wants it fixed now. What should you do?

A. Inform him up front that you are only filling in temporarily and won’t be of much help.

B. Transfer him to another technician who handles phone calls more often.

C. Try to solve his problem without putting him on hold or transferring him elsewhere.

D. Suggest that he call back at another time when you are not there.

20. At the end of the day, you finish a job only to find the user you were doing it for had to leave. What should you do? (Choose two.)

A. Clean up and leave no evidence that you were there.

B. Leave a note for the user detailing what was done and how to contact you.

C. Notify the user’s manager and your own that you have finished.

D. Put the system back to its original state.

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