Exam Essentials

Be able to explain the differences and similarities between iOS and Android operating systems. Although all mobile devices inherently resemble one another, there are enough differential features that set each major platform apart from the others. It is important that you are able to discuss such differences as well as what is similar.
Know how to connect a mobile device to a wireless network. WiFi networks have a strict set of guidelines for connectivity. This means that the procedure for connecting disparate devices is quite similar. However, each mobile operating system has its own sequence of screens and selections to make the connection to wireless networks. Familiarize yourself with the procedure in each platform.
Familiarize yourself with configuring email clients on mobile devices. Similar to the way that you can configure a laptop or desktop computer to access popular email services, you can configure mobile devices. Be able to interface automatically and manually with Internet mail services as well as with Exchange mail servers.
Demonstrate the ability to secure mobile devices against security threats. The initial securing of mobile devices is crucial, but knowing how to find lost devices and destroy sensitive information remotely is of paramount importance because of the relative ease with which highly portable devices seem to part ways with their owners. You should also never forget that keeping operating systems up-to-date is as important with mobile devices as it is with larger systems.
Know the basic differences between laptops and the smaller tablet computers. Although laptops are potentially small devices, especially in the form of netbooks, tablets are often smaller and lighter still. Tablets have no lids to add weight and often have very few, if any, components that can be upgraded or repaired in the field.
Know how to synchronize mobile devices with larger computer systems. Mobile devices are marvels of modern computing science, but their portability lends itself to loss and damage. Synchronization affords the user the ability to recover from even the most disastrous of circumstances. The key is to synchronize often, which should include the creation of full-system backups that are stored on a computer system separate from the mobile device and the ability to restore to the same or new mobile device if the need arises.

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