• Lakes Erie, Huron, Ontario, 52

  • Laplace, Pierre Simon de (1749–1827), 565

  • Laplace transform, 558

    • and convolution, 588

    • and initial value problems, 568

    • and linear systems, 571

    • differentiation of, 589

    • existence, 563

    • integration of transforms, 591

    • inverse, 561

    • inverse transforms of series, 594

    • linearity, 560

    • notation, 561

    • of derivative, 568

    • of higher derivatives, 569

    • of integral, 574

    • of periodic function, 597

    • of square and triangular wave functions, 598

    • products of transforms, 587

    • translation on the s-axis, 579

    • translation on the t-axis, 594

    • uniqueness of inverse, 565

  • Law of cosines, 202

  • Leading entry, 150, 239

  • Leading variables, 151, 239

  • Legendre polynomial, 623

  • Legendre's equation, 290, 604, 622

  • Length of vector, 213

  • Leonardo Fibonacci (1175–1250?), 363

  • Limit cycle, 524

  • Limited environment situation, 80

  • Limiting population, 21, 78, 90, 358

  • Limiting velocity, 20

  • Linear approximation formula, 109

  • Linear combination, 167, 228

  • Linear differential equation:

    • first-order, 47, 50

    • nth-order, 279

    • second-order, 265

  • Linear factor partial fractions, 579

  • Linear independence, 214, 216, 231, 270, 282

    • and orthogonality, 253

    • and unique linear combinations, 232

    • of vector-valued functions, 378

  • Linear independence and the determinant, 233, 234

  • Linear system (algebraic), 139

    • consistent, 139

    • equivalent, 150

    • homogeneous, 160

    • inconsistent, 139

    • nonhomogeneous, 161

    • number of solutions (three possibilities), 160

    • reduced echelon, 157

    • solution of, 139

    • upper triangular form, 143

  • Linear system (differential equations):

    • associated homogeneous system, 377

    • eigenspace of, 345

    • eigenvalue method, 386

    • first-order, 370, 376

    • general solution, 379, 386

    • homogeneous, 370

    • nonhomogeneous, 370, 382, 482

    • second-order, 426, 496

    • stability, 518

  • Linearity of Laplace transform, 560

  • Linearized system, 516

  • Lipschitz continuous, 658

  • Local error, 110

  • Local existence of solutions, 663

  • Logarithmic decrement, 313

  • Logistic equation, 21, 44, 76

    • competition situation, 80

    • joint proportion situation, 80

    • limited environment situation, 80

    • with harvesting, 90

  • Logistic populations, interactions of, 534

  • Logistic prey population, 536

  • Lower triangular matrix, 194

  • Lunar lander, 12, 99, 457

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