
Work on this book was marked by layers of transition: Microsoft Project transitioning to a new paradigm, Microsoft Press and O’Reilly Media transitioning into a new partnership, me transitioning into a new way of working and thinking.

Thanks go out to Andreea Marinescu for her hard work and enthusiasm while writing the enterprise project management chapters under a tight deadline. I’m especially grateful to Bonnie Biafore for writing several other chapters and for being expert, clone, friend. She assured me that everything would be fine, and as always, she was right.

Much appreciation to Ulhas Samant and Thuy Le for their insightful technical editing. Their comments made this book accurate and more usable. Many thanks go to Brian Kennemer for his technical review of certain chapters.

Thanks to O’Reilly acquisitions editor Kenyon Brown for keeping the train moving steadily forward. I’m grateful for my agent Claudette Moore, with her cheerful encouragement and creative thinking. I’m indebted to John Pierce, copyeditor, and Holly Bauer, production editor. Their professionalism and precision is a world I love to inhabit.

Scott Chapman and Ron Luchansky at Project Hosts graciously provided me with a invaluable enterprise project management hosted setup.

My friends gave me so much encouragement and always said or did exactly the right thing for me. Thanks to my mom, Song Ai Soon Remhof, and to my brother, Lester Remhof.

Thanks most of all to my wonderful husband and traveling companion through life’s journey, Craig Stover. He knew when to ask the tough questions and when to just empathize. He knew how to prevent procrastination and when to make me stop and get some sleep. He’s my biggest fan—it’s pretty cool when he shows off my books.

Finally, thanks to you, reader and project manager. Your projects can and do change the world. Remember, there’s no end to the incredible things you can do with a well-planned and well-run project.

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