Appendix E. About the Authors

Teresa S. Stover has worked more than 20 years as a technical communications and project management consultant for software, manufacturing, business, and education. She specializes in Microsoft Project and project management for entrepreneurial startups, nonprofit organizations, and content development.

Her clients have included Apple Computer, National Semiconductor, Boeing, MetLife, and the Puyallup School District. Most significantly, she has worked with the Microsoft Project product team for every release since Project 4.0 in the early 1990s.

Teresa has won several awards from the Washington School Public Relations Association and the Society for Technical Communications, including Best in Show. She has written 13 other books, including titles on Windows, Office, Team Manager, and Microsoft Money, and periodically conducts workshops on software, project management, business, and writing topics. Recent achievements include recognition for her work in instructional design, web content, and nonprofit organizational development.

Typically ensconced in her Victorian home office in southern Oregon, like a content Rapunzel in the tower, she emerges to volunteer for Josephine Community Libraries as project manager and webmaster. She hangs out with her husband, Craig, Draco the German shepherd, and Tique the cat. She looks forward to more travels around the country with Craig in their new camper van.

Learn more at Teresa’s website, Teresa welcomes e-mails from readers sent to .

Bonnie Biafore has always been good at getting things done, but a few decades passed before she realized that she was “managing projects.” She earned her PMP and has run her own company, MonteVista Solutions, offering project management and consulting services to clients in a variety of industries for the last 14 years.

On a parallel course, writing and ferocious editing have been a lifelong habit. She’s written award-winning books about project management, investing, personal finance, and several commercial software programs (Microsoft Project, Quicken, QuickBooks, and Visio). Bonnie also writes the Project Certification Insider column for the Microsoft Project User Group (MPUG).

When she isn’t meeting deadlines, she walks her Bernese mountain dogs, cooks gourmet meals, or hikes in the nearby mountains. You can learn more about Bonnie and her books at her website,

Andreea Marinescu is passionate about helping others understand new concepts. After managing multiple IT development projects with ups and downs, she discovered the magic that a project management framework brings. With a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI) and a Prince 2 Practitioner certificate from the APM Group in the UK, she is now a team manager, project manager, and trainer at one of the biggest multinational corporations in the world.

In addition to her normal work, Andreea has participated in multiple nongovernmental organizations and enjoys coaching, organizing events, and helping to build diversity and inclusion networks in her community.

As a respite from leading teams or training in the corporate world, Andreea enjoys live concerts at home as part of a musical family. She has eight years of music school training and a piano degree.

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