Chapter 13. Reporting Project Information

BY this stage of the game, you’ve built your project plan and you’re using it to track progress and display project information. Because you’re now in the execution and control processes of the project, you’ll need to share important data with stakeholders. For example, your new test procedure might have worked better than expected, but your materials testing ran into some unanticipated slowdowns. All this information is reflected in the project plan. However, for different audiences and different purposes, you want to highlight certain information and filter out other information to represent a certain focus with professional panache.

You can print views and generate reports built in to Microsoft Project 2010 and use them as an integral part of your project communication plan. These views and reports leverage the power of Project 2010 by presenting the specific focus and clarity required by corporate and program departments. By tailoring the views and reports to the interests of different groups (finance, human resources, and procurement, among others), you can feed the right information to the right people, avoid misunderstandings, and mitigate problems. Project 2010 views and reports are often used for:

  • Weekly project team meetings

  • Monthly department status conferences

  • Quarterly or annual executive reviews

In addition to printing views and generating built-in reports, you can design custom reports to meet your specific project communication needs. Many of these are tabular text-based reports. Others are visual reports that use project data for graphical display in Microsoft Excel 2010 or Microsoft Visio 2010.

Establishing Your Communications Plan

Reports are instrumental in effective project management. As part of the initial project planning, you’ll determine the requirements for reporting, including:

  • Report recipients. Who needs to see the reports? Stakeholders throughout the organization and within the project team need to see certain reports tailored to their areas of responsibility. For example, you might generate one report for your team members, another one for team leads and resource managers, and yet another for executives and customers.

  • Specific content of the reports. What type of information is included? The reports can focus on any aspect of the project; for example, tasks, resource allocation, assignments, costs, and so on. Reports might focus on past successes or current progress. They can provide a forecast of upcoming tasks, costs, or workloads. They might present a high-level summary. They can point out areas of risk or current problems that need resolution.

  • Frequency of report publication. How often should you generate reports? Regularly scheduled project meetings or status reporting often drive the generation of reports. Certain important issues that are being closely watched might warrant report generation more frequently than usual. Be sure to strike a balance between providing up-to-date information often enough and overloading a stakeholder with too detailed or too frequent reporting.

Establishing your communications strategy for a project helps you effectively share realistic progress and estimates. You can point to unexpected changes that present risks. You can avoid larger problems and understand root causes. Specifically, with reports you can:

  • Review status

  • Compare data

  • Check progress on the schedule

  • Check resource utilization

  • Check budget status

  • Watch for any potential problems looming in the future

  • Help stakeholders make decisions affecting the project

Using the appropriate Project 2010 views and reports on a regular basis for progress analysis and communication is a key component of effective project management. By implementing a communications plan, including regular presentations of reports to stakeholders, you can keep interested parties aware of crucial information and trends.

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