Working with Issues and Risks

Issues are certain events or decisions that need to be taken that have a certain effect on the course of a project and that the project manager cannot solve independently. For example, an issue can occur if one of the assumptions made at the beginning of the project proves to be false.

Risks are uncertain events that might have a negative or positive influence on your project if they occur. Typically, a risk is characterized by an impact (which can be rated numerically or from low to high) and a probability. What you want to do for a project is minimize or eliminate the occurrence of negative risks and maximize the probability of positive risks. It is the job of the project manager, but also of all the project stakeholders, to gather and report project risks.

As team members on a project team, it is the expectation that you also report issues and raise possible risks. You might also be the owner of issues and risks that others have reported; this means you have to solve the issue or perform risk prevention or enhancement (for positive risks).

Issues and risks are managed in the project-specific SharePoint workspaces, or project sites, which are typically created whenever a new project is published. The project workspace includes links to issues, risks, documents, discussions, and other items associated with the project.

To see any issues and risks assigned to you, on the Quick Launch, under My Work, click Issues And Risks. The issues and risks are grouped by project and indicate a status of Active, Postponed, or Closed, as shown in Figure 25-15.

Use the Issues And Risks page to review issues and risks that are assigned to you for resolution or monitoring.

Figure 25-15. Use the Issues And Risks page to review issues and risks that are assigned to you for resolution or monitoring.

By clicking the project name, the project-specific SharePoint workspace site appears, where all details about the project’s issues and risks are logged.

On the Quick Launch of the project site, under Lists, click Issues. The full list of project issues appears. (See Figure 25-16.) Click the name of the issue to open it and see details.

Review the Issues area to see the list and status of issues for the project.

Figure 25-16. Review the Issues area to see the list and status of issues for the project.

To edit an existing issue, follow these steps:

  1. On the Quick Launch of the project site, under Lists, click Issues.

    The full list of project issues appears.

  2. Click the name of the issue you want to edit.

  3. On the View tab, in the Manage group, click Edit Item.

  4. Update any of the fields as necessary. You can change the status, for example, from Active to Closed. You might also want to add information to the Discussion box or the Resolution box.

  5. On the Edit tab, in the Commit group, click Save.

To log a new issue, follow these steps:

  1. On the Quick Launch, under Lists, click Issues.

  2. Click Add New Item.

    The Issues - New Item page appears.

  3. In the appropriate fields, enter basic information about the issue, including the title, owner, and assignment.

  4. In the next set of fields, enter the status, category, priority, and due date for the issue.

  5. In the Discussion field, enter the background and facts about the issue.

  6. In the Resolution field, enter details about how the issue will be resolved.

  7. On the Edit tab, in the Commit group, click Save.

    The issue is added to the site. The project manager and other team members working on this project are now able to see the new issue.

To view, edit, or add a risk item for tracking, open the project site. On the Quick Launch for the project site, under Lists, click Risks.

Issues and risks should be regularly reviewed during team meetings and project reviews to ensure that issues are being resolved and risks are being monitored.

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