Reviewing the Impact of Changes

After you adjust your project plan to bring in your finish date, reduce costs, or balance your workload, check that you’ve succeeded in hitting your target. Look at the Project Statistics dialog box or review the project summary task, as described earlier in this chapter.

If you created an interim plan to save the task start and finish dates as they were before you started making changes, you can add the interim start and finish fields as Gantt bars in your Gantt Chart to compare them against your new start and finish fields.


For more information about interim plans, see Saving Additional Scheduled Start and Finish Dates. For information about creating custom Gantt bars, see Formatting the Appearance of Gantt Bars.

When you’re content with one aspect of your project plan, such as your finish date, see whether you’ve “broken” any other aspect of your project, such as your costs. Keep an eye on your finish date, total project costs, and resource allocation while always remembering your highest priority of the three. Continue to adjust and balance until all aspects of the project are just the way you want them.

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