Contents of Volume V

Media Effects/Media Psychology

Full Contents

Contributors to Volume V

Volume Editor's Acknowledgments

General Editor's Acknowledgments

Media Studies: The Interdiscipline of the Present and the Future

Angharad N. Valdivia

Changes and Continuities in the Media Effects Paradigm

Erica Scharrer


I Theories of/about Effects

1 Mapping the Psychology of Agenda Setting

Maxwell McCombs and Jae Kook Lee

2 Cultivation Theory: Television Fiction as a Vector of Socialization

Jan Van den Bulck

3 Framing and Priming Effects: Exploring Challenges Connected to Cross-Level Approaches in Media Effects Research

Bertram T. Scheufele and Dietram A. Scheufele

4 Examining Media Effects: The General Aggression and General Learning Models

Christopher P. Barlett and Craig A. Anderson

5 Perceptions of Media and Media Effects: The Third-Person Effect, Trust in Media, and Hostile Media Perceptions

Yariv Tsfati and Jonathan Cohen

II Internal Mechanisms: Enjoyment, Appeal, and Physiological Response

6 Uses and Gratifications: A Social and Psychological Perspective of Media Use and Effects

Paul Haridakis

7 Media Entertainment as a Result of Recreation and Psychological Growth

Tilo Hartmann

8 Selective Exposure to Violent Media: A Synthesis of the Research and Theoretical Overview

Marina Krcmar

9 Media Message Processing and the Embodied Mind: Measuring Bodily Responses to Open the Black Box

Annie Lang

10 Thoughtless Vigilantes: Media Violence and Brain Activation Patterns in Young Viewers

John P. Murray


III On Views of Self, Others, and Events

11 Gender-Role Socialization in the Twenty-First Century

Nancy Signorielli

12 Race and News Revisited: The Content and Effects of Problematically Framing the News

Travis L. Dixon and Christopher S. Josey

13 The Influence of Media Exposure on the Formation, Activation, and Application of Racial/Ethnic Stereotypes

Dana Mastro and Riva Tukachinsky

14 The Relationship between the Media, the Military, and the Public: Examining the Stories Told and Public Opinion

Michel M. Haigh

IV On Personal Health and Social Well-Being

15 Understanding the Role of Cognition and Media in Body Image Disturbance and Weight Bias in Children, Adolescents, and Adults

Kim Bissell

16 Tracing the Course of Reality TV Effects Research

Robin L. Nabi, Jiyeon So, and Theresa de los Santos

17 Media-Related Fear: Short-Term and Enduring Consequences

Cynthia A. Hoffner and Elizabeth L. Cohen

18 Callous/Malice: An Examination of Desensitizing and Aggression-Causing Media Effects

Ron Leone and Angela Paradise

19 Sex on Television: A Review of Socialization Effects and the Role of Context and Individual Differences

Kirstie M. Farrar

V In the Political Arena

20 Political TV Advertising and Debates

William L. Benoit and Jayne R. Henson

21 News and Political Entertainment Effects on Democratic Citizenship

Patricia Moy, Michael A. Xenos, and Muzammil M. Hussain

22 Exploring Relations between Political Entertainment Media and Traditional Political Communication Information Outlets: A Research Agenda

R. Lance Holbert and Dannagal Goldthwaite Young

23 Digital Democracy: How the Internet has Changed Politics

Leticia Bode, Stephanie Edgerly, Ben Sayre, Emily K. Vraga, and Dhavan V. Shah

VI On/Of Persuasion

24 Advances in Public Communication Campaigns

Charles K. Atkin and Ronald E. Rice

25 Effects of Social Marketing: Potential and Limitations

Michael D. Basil

26 Using Message Framing in Health-Related Persuasion: Theory and Evidence

Xiaoli Nan

27 The Intended and Unintended Effects of Advertising on Children

Moniek Buijzen and Patti M. Valkenburg


VII Media Use and Effects on Learning and Development

28 Media Use, Scholastic Achievement, and Attention Span

George Comstock

29 The Educational Impact of Television: Understanding Television's Potential and Limitations

Daniel R. Anderson, Heather J. Lavigne, and Katherine G. Hanson

30 Prosocial TV Content: Children's Interpretations and Responses

Marie-Louise Mares

31 The Effects of Internet Communication on Adolescents' Psychosocial Development: An Assessment of Risks and Opportunities

Jochen Peter and Patti M. Valkenburg

VIII Mediating and Mitigating Effects

32 Boom or Boomerang: A Critical Review of Evidence Documenting Media Literacy Efficacy

Smita C. Banerjee and Robert Kubey

33 The Role of Parental Mediation in the Development of Media Literacy and the Prevention of Substance Use

Yi-Chun (Yvonnes) Chen and Erica Weintraub Austin

34 The Impact of Media Policy on Children's Media Exposure

Amy B. Jordan


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